Katharina Swoboda, *1984, lives and works in Vienna, Austria. Katharina is an artist and researcher. She is interested in the interfaces between nature and culture and how these “nature – culture” constructs and discourses can be represented in the media . She holds a trans-disciplinary doctorate, awarded by the Hamburg University of Fine Arts in 2020 (“Gerahmte Tiere: Zooarchitekturen und Bewegtbild“, which will be published by DOM publishers in spring 2023: https://dom-publishers.com/collections/grundlagen/products/gerahmte-tiere). In 2021, she was a fellow of the “Pixel, Bytes + Film – Artist in Residence” program by the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF)/ORF III Culture and Information, the Austrian Federal Chancellery / Department of Film. In 2022, she received a State scholarship for Media art by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport. She is a member of the Viennese based artist association The Golden Pixel Cooperative. www.katharinaswoboda.net. Katharina’s most recent peer reviewed publications include “Zoological Architectures and Empty Frames” (2022, Journal of Artistic Research, 26, https://doi.org/10.22501/jar.823739) and “E-Animals: Videos aus dem Zoo” (2022, Tierliche Zukünfte. Tierstudien, ed. by Jessica Ullrich. Berlin: Neofelis, pp. 53-62).