
Assuming Asymmetries. Extra Research Time 2020/21 (last edited: 2021)

Joanna Warsza

About this exposition

Assuming Asymmetries. Conversations on Curating Public Art Projects of the 1980s and 1990s is a volume based on the dialogues between the curators and participants from some of the most complex and yet underresearched European and US public art exhibitions of the 1980s and 1990s. The discussions include and unpack such influential projects as “Culture in Action” curated by Mary Jane Jacob in 1993; “Sonsbeek 93” curated by Valerie Smith; “Endlichkeit der Freiheit,” an exhibition initiated by Heiner Müller and Rebecca Horn, on both sides of the former Berlin wall in 1990; “Construction in Process,” an artist-initiated site-specific exhibition in early 1980s Łódz, Poland; “Five Gardens” curated by Carlos Capelán in 1996 in Simrishamn and Ystad, Sweden, and “U-media” in 1987 Umeå, Sweden. The dialogues focus on such questions as: How does one ethically and culturally deal with asymmetries? How have the notions of situated or embedded knowledge changed over the last decades? How can artworks actually create meaning from the place where they're produced? What were the early attempts of de-monumentalizing art outside of the museums; and, finally, what actually is non-extractive curating. Both books are edited by CuratorLab at Konstfack University of Arts 2020/2021: Anna Mikaela Ekstrand, Giulia Floris, Vasco Forconi, Edy Fung, Julius Lehmann, Maria Lind, Marc Navarro, Simina Neagu, Hanna Nordell, Tomek Pawłowski Jarmołajew, Marja Rautaharju, Erik Sandberg, Joanna Warsza The process was led by Joanna Warsza and Maria Lind
typeresearch exposition
keywordspublic art, curatorial practices, archive, conversation, Contemporary art
last modified30/11/2021
statusin progress
share statuspublic
affiliationCuratorLab at Konstfack University of Arts, Stockholm
copyrightdiva open access
licenseCC BY
external linkhttps://mitpress.mit.edu/books/assuming-asymmetries

Simple Media

id name copyright license
1439585 extra research time Joanna Warsza public All rights reserved
1439592 extra research time Joanna Warsza JW CC BY
1439603 extra research time Joanna Warsza public All rights reserved
1440104 extra research time Joanna Warsza CC All rights reserved

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