
Nietzsche #6: The Weight of Music (last edited: 2018)

Paulo de Assis, Michael Schwab, Lucia D'Errico
no media files associated
open exposition

About this exposition

Between 1854 and 1874 Friedrich Nietzsche composed a substantial number of musical compositions, including fragmentary pieces for solo piano, several songs and even a sketched opera. His activity as a composer remains essentially unknown and his music pieces are rarely performed. Moreover, they are usually considered, in the best case, as juvenilia. Indeed, when Nietzsche decided to be first a philologist, then a philosopher, he stopped composing music. However, and beyond aesthetical judgments, his musical compositions disclose a character and a personality quite different from the far better-known Nietzsche-the-philosopher. Nietzsche-the-composer understands himself as a “medium”, an agent dominated by transcendent powers of inspiration and creation submitting him to pre-existing values; whereas Nietzsche-the-philosopher was a destabilising constructor, the inventor of new images of thought, the active operator of a fundamental redefinition of values. For Nietzsche music had the problematic potential of carrying an “oppressive weight”—an expression he openly used to refer to one of his compositions, and, later on, to Wagner’s music in general. A weight he increasingly associated with the idea of “swimming”, to which he proactively opposed the notion of “dancing”. In this performance, the ME21 Collective presents musical compositions by Nietzsche in dialogue with fragments of his texts, exposing some of the tensions between Nietzsche-the-composer and Nietzsche-the-philosopher.
typeresearch exposition
last modified14/05/2018
statusin progress
share statuspublic
affiliationOrpheus Institute Ghent
licenseAll rights reserved

Simple Media

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313845 N6-Slice-22_23-FragmentAnSich-EcceHomo-JuanElectronics ME21 All rights reserved
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313826 N6-Slice-18-SoLachDochMal(3) ME21 All rights reserved
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313766 N6-Slice-08-MichaelsTalk(1) ME21 All rights reserved
313759 N6-Slice-07-VersuchEineSelbstkritik ME21 All rights reserved
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313754 N6-Slice-05-Autobiography ME21 All rights reserved
313753 N6-Slice-04-Miserere ME21 All rights reserved
313672 N6-Slice-03-Melodiefragment-PianoSolo ME21 All rights reserved
313650 N6-Slice-02-JuanToPiano ME21 All rights reserved
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