
Reconfigured Image (2016)

Tuomo Rainio

About this exposition

In this exposition, I will introduce a series of works that were exhibited in my solo exhibitions Notes from the Mouth of Shadows (2013), Reconfigured image (2013) and Possible object (2015). In the exhibitions my main interest was to investigate the transformation of an image-space into a digital realm, where the very basic questions of representing space encounter fundamental changes. More broadly, I will try to introduce my artistic process as a two-direction orbicular movement between concepts, codes and images. I will also try to take note of the translations that occur when working with an idea back and forth between different materials and references. I am interested in the possible errors and misunderstandings that can bring a singular quality to the predetermined iteration. In other words, I will try to define what is being translated by observing what is distinguishable only afterwards. I see an analogy between the structure of a digital image and how the world is perceived as an image – almost as if cosmos would arise from chaos. Any bitmap image actualizes only one of all the possible variations of this specific bitmap and its properties. In a more practical sense, it could be stated that the digital image is always in a process of translation when it is viewed. In short, the digital image is dependent of a translator (computer) by default. My attempt is to activate this dependency and take it from mere automatism to a creative gesture. This attempt could only be meaningful when all the three aspects (concept, code and screen) are taken into account. By activating the process of translation the dependency of the translator can be transformed into a positive, creative act.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsdigital image, photography, iteration
last modified05/02/2016
share statusprivate
licenseAll rights reserved
published inRUUKKU - Studies in Artistic Research
portal issue5. Research Gestures
connected toRUUKKU - Studies in Artistic Research


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