
Clareira (last edited: 2024)

Ana Miriam Rebelo

About this exposition

"Clareira" is the result of research on the photographic representation of architecture, as space to be experienced. The project takes Trindade Metro Station, in Porto, as a laboratory for the experimentation of visual strategies that emphasize the photographer’s physical presence and sensorial perception as well as the presences of users. This public space, routinely crossed and appropriated by a great diversity of people, is observed in its relationship with the human and environmental elements that permeate it. Taking a purposely subjective stance, the work was inspired by the writings of Peter Zumthor, namely in its search for a positioning of the self, and an attitude towards reality, marked by an attentive and available physical presence. This mode of being in space was the basis from which to develop a photographic approach that seeks to communicate subjective experience. At a time when images are increasingly replacing the experience of architectural space and becoming a basis from which to think architecture, this project seeks to contribute to the affirmation of photographic practice as a research instrument, reflecting on the experience of built space, but also actively participating in the construction of the environments in which we live in, as architecture is also constructed through images. "Clareira" is a printed publication, comprising a series of formally diversified elements exploring different themes. It was exhibited in its full form at "Encontros da Imagem" (2019) as a "Photobook Awards" finalist, and was part of "Cityzine Collection", an exhibition of alternative publications exploring architecture, city and territory, through photography (2019). This set of images is a short selection, curated by Pedro Leão Neto and Né Santelmo, exhibited at the "Bienal de Fotografia do Porto 2019", at Aliados Metro Station.
typeresearch exposition
keywordssubjectivity, Experience, architecture, photography
last modified09/02/2024
statusin progress
share statuspublic
copyrightana miriam
licenseAll rights reserved

Simple Media

id name copyright license
1638758 n.one Ana Miriam All rights reserved
1638764 n.two.a Ana Miriam All rights reserved
1638765 n.two.b Ana Miriam All rights reserved
1638767 three Ana Miriam All rights reserved
1698526 experien ana miriam All rights reserved

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