
Aram Han Sifuentes - Let Us Vote! (last edited: 2023)

Brandon Bauer

About this exposition

An interview with the artist Aram Han Sifuentes on the occasion of her exhibition titled "Let Us Vote!" at St. Norbert College in the Fall of 2022. Aram Han Sifuentes is a fiber and social practice artist based in Chicago, IL, USA who works to claim spaces for immigrant and disenfranchised communities. Her work often revolves around skill sharing, specifically sewing techniques, to create multiethnic and intergenerational sewing circles, which become a place for empowerment, subversion, and protest. Her exhibition at St. Norbert College brings together works on democracy, citizenship, and political participation. This interview was conducted between Brandon Bauer and Aram Han Sifuentes during the Autumn of 2022.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsDemocracy and citizenship, Voting rights, immigration, socially engaged art, Social Practice, fiber arts
last modified27/02/2023
statusin review
share statuspublic
affiliationSt. Norbert College / School of the Art Institute Chicago
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
external linkhttps://art.knight.domains/announcements/art-democracy-events-fall-2022/


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