
Oceanic Horror or How to Survive the Night in the Haunted Mansion of Absolute Capitalism (2024)

Soren Thilo Funder

About this exposition

Søren Thilo Funder PhD in Artistic Research University of Bergen Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design The Art Academy – Department of Contemporary Art Supervisors: Daniel Jewesbury, Darla Crispin, Anne Helen Mydland and Frans Jacobi. Artistic reflection and documentation of artistic result submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) in Artistic Research at the University of Bergen. Date of public defence: 8.12.2023 'Oceanic Horror - or How to Survive the Night in the Haunted Mansion of Absolute Capitalism' is an artistic research project that explores the potentials of utilising the genre of horror fiction to create new narratives in a political and time-based art practice. It is invested in the temporal qualities and entanglements of the horror genre and how these relate in strange ways, not only to our current tempor(e)ality and the modes of financialisation that informs this, but also to art practices using the temporal as material. Framed around the revisiting of the mid-nineties trading firm 'Island' in the advent of high frequency trading and its successor the trading company 'Archipelago', pushing the algorithmic trading systems further into the splash of web 2.0, 'Oceanic Horror' uses the methodologies of Transrealism and Meandering to create new nonlinear narrations revolving around the relationship between the opaque structures of absolute capitalism and the socio-political horror experienced in everyday life. The research project searches for a certain condition found in horror fiction, that relates to its relentless nowness, its proposed prolonging of this now, its relation to eventality and the quasi-event and finally how horror fiction wants to do things to the body - not only in a simple reaction mode but really in the very temporality experienced in and by the body. The artistic result of 'Oceanic Horror' was exhibited at Kunsthall 3.14 in Bergen 21.04.2023 - 04.06.2023, comprising a multi-channel video installation combining digital renderings with fictional cinematic scenes in an immersive total installation of office furniture sculptures forming makeshift sleep stations in the exhibition space. The reflection for 'Oceanic Horror' is presented in this Research Catalogue exposition, including both written material, images and a comprehensive archive of all the video works that make up the entangled narratives of 'Oceanic Horror - or How to Survive the Night in the Haunted Mansion of Absolute Capitalism' Norwegian: 'Oceanic Horror - or How to Survive the Night in the Haunted Mansion of Absolute Capitalism' er et kunstnerisk forskningsprosjekt som utforsker mulighetene i sjangeren skrekkfiksjon til å skape nye utrykk og narrativer i politisk og tidsbasert kunstpraksis. Prosjektet utforsker skrekksjangerens temporale oppbyggning, estetikk og kvaliteter. 'Oceanic Horror' anvender både som kunsteriske metoder og utrykk 'transrealisme' og 'meandering' for å skape nye ikke-lineære fortellinger og kunst som dreier seg om forholdet mellom de ugjennomsiktige strukturene i 'absolutt kapitalisme' og den sosio-politiske 'horroren' som oppleves i hverdagen. Med utgangspunkt i historien om det reelle handelsfirmaet 'Island', som i midten av nittitallet var med i oppstarten av høyfrekvent aksjehandel, og dens etterfølger, selskapet 'Archipelago', som ledte bølgen av algoritmiske aksjehandelssystemer i web 2.0, søker forskningsprosjektet etter en viss tilstand som finnes i horror fiction, som relaterer seg til dens nådeløse nåhet, dens foreslåtte forlengelse av dette 'nå', dets forhold til 'event' og 'kvasi-event' og hvordan horror fiction ønsker å gjøre ting med kroppen - ikke bare i en enkel reaksjonsmodus, men egentlig i selve temporaliteten som oppleves i og av betrakterens kropp. Det kunstneriske resultatet av 'Oceanic Horror' ble vist på Kunsthall 3.14 i Bergen 21.04.2023 - 04.06.2023. Utstillingen besto av en flerkanals videoinstallasjon som kombinerer digitale gjengivelser med fiktive filmatiske scener. Vist i en totalinstallasjon av kontormøbelskulpturer som danner provisoriske sovestasjoner i utstillingsrommet. Den kunsteriske refleksjonen som følger 'Oceanic Horror' presenteres på Research Catalogue og inkluderer både tekster, bilder og et omfattende arkiv av alle videoverkene som utgjør de sammenfiltrede fortellingene til 'Oceanic Horror - or How to Survive the Night in the Haunted Mansion of Absolute Capitalism'
typeresearch exposition
last modified10/01/2024
share statuspublic
affiliationFaculty of Fine Art, music and design, University of Bergen
copyrightSoren Thilo Funder
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
languageBritish English
published inFaculty of Fine Art, Music and Design, University of Bergen
portal issue7. PhD 2023
connected toFaculty of Fine Art, Music and Design, University of Bergen

Simple Media

id name copyright license
1955446 Wallpaper STF CC BY-NC-ND
1955677 _DSC7918 soft hands STF CC BY
1955845 _DSC7918 STF CC BY
2036120 Archipelago Voice Over STF CC BY
2085226 Hans_Holbein_the_Younger_-_The_Ambassadors_-_Google_Art_Project STF Public domain
2087776 Suicide Slide2 STF CC BY
2087795 Suicide slide 4 STF CC BY
2087801 suicide slide 5 STF CC BY
2087850 Suicide slide 1 STF CC BY
2087855 Suicide Slide 3 STF CC BY
2087862 Suicide slide 6 STF CC BY
2087918 8259 STF CC BY
2147208 _DSC8123 (appendix) copy STF CC BY
2147282 soft hands STF CC BY
2147297 _DSC8123 (appendix) STF CC BY
2156891 Suicide slide 7 STF CC BY
2156908 Plumbers 1 STF CC BY
2156918 Plumbers 2 STF CC BY
2156925 Plumbers 3 STF CC BY
2157155 Plumbers4 STF CC BY
2157159 Plumbers 3 STF CC BY
2157161 Plumbers 7 STF CC BY
2157167 Plumbers 9 STF CC BY
2157168 Plumbers 6 STF CC BY
2157173 Cable ITCH Still 3 STF CC BY
2157175 Cable ITCH Still 6 STF CC BY
2157181 Cable ITCH Still 31 STF CC BY
2157184 Cable ITCH Still 12 STF CC BY
2157196 Cable ITCH Still 32 STF CC BY
2157212 Cable ITCH Still 15 STF CC BY
2157220 Cable ITCH Still 7 STF CC BY
2157239 Cable ITCH Still 18 STF CC BY
2157255 Cable ITCH Still 5 STF CC BY
2157268 Installation Cable1 STF CC BY
2157270 DSC_007a STF CC BY
2157298 Installation Cable1 STF CC BY
2157306 Installation Cable2 STF CC BY
2157307 Cable ITCH Still 11 STF CC BY
2157318 Cable ITCH Still 6 STF CC BY
2157326 Hand Signals still0 STF CC BY
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2157361 _MG_4014-Edit crop STF CC BY
2157373 DSC_002 crop STF CC BY
2157385 _MG_4014-Edit crop STF CC BY
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2157395 Plumbers 11 STF CC BY
2157422 Whistle 3 STF CC BY
2157428 Whistle 4 STF CC BY
2157429 Whistle 6 STF CC BY
2157433 Whistle 7 STF CC BY
2157434 Whistle 8 STF CC BY
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2157507 DSC_007a croptest2 STF CC BY
2157539 DSC_007a croptest3 STF CC BY
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2157571 Cable ITCH Still 36 STF CC BY
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2157607 Left10 crop STF CC BY
2157609 Left60crop STF CC BY
2157612 Screenshot 2021-06-23 at 11.15.10 STF CC BY
2157613 Slide 10 STF CC BY
2157614 Plumbers 9 STF CC BY
2157641 Archipelago_Still_from_video STF CC BY
2157652 Left50crop STF CC BY
2157654 Oceanic 4crop STF CC BY
2157658 Left80crop STF CC BY
2157660 Oceanic 7crop STF CC BY
2157767 Cable ITCH Still 37 STF CC BY
2157774 Whistle 1 STF CC BY
2157776 Plumbers 16 STF CC BY
2157792 Right160crop STF CC BY
2157805 Left80crop STF CC BY
2157820 Left110crop STF CC BY
2157821 left180crop STF CC BY
2157823 Right110crop STF CC BY
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2157841 left190crop STF CC BY
2158747 left190cropbig STF CC BY
2158819 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.43.14 STF CC BY
2158821 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.43.14crop STF CC BY
2158823 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.43.14BIGcrop STF CC BY
2158828 Plumbers 1 STF CC BY
2158829 Screenshot 2021-06-23 at 11.16.06 STF CC BY
2158836 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 10.34.18 STF CC BY
2158838 Oceanic 7cropBIG STF CC BY
2158850 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.30.57CROP STF CC BY
2158867 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.29.55crop STF CC BY
2158870 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.45.36crop STF CC BY
2158871 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.22.44crop STF CC BY
2158879 Cable ITCH Still 32crop STF CC BY
2158914 Plumbers 18crop STF CC BY
2158921 Plumbers 4 STF CC BY
2158925 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 11.18.10 STF CC BY
2158927 Screenshot 2021-06-23 at 11.08.21 STF CC BY
2158991 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 11.35.14CROP STF CC BY
2158998 Cable ITCH Still 13 STF CC BY
2158999 Cable ITCH Still 38 STF CC BY
2159002 Plumbers 15 STF CC BY
2159004 Slide 9 STF CC BY
2159022 Plumbers 10crop STF CC BY
2159023 Plumbers 10cropBIG STF CC BY
2159030 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.34.35crop STF CC BY
2159036 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.18.30crop STF CC BY
2159045 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.26.37crop STF CC BY
2159429 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.40.13crop STF CC BY
2162574 Cable ITCH Still 34crop STF CC BY
2162691 In the Hall of the Mountain King (Whistle) STF All rights reserved
2162711 Cable ITCH Channel 1 STF All rights reserved
2162737 Cable ITCH Channel 1 STF All rights reserved
2164604 Cable ITCH Channel 2 STF All rights reserved
2164609 Cable ITCH Plumbers Channel STF All rights reserved
2164614 Hand of God (Suicide Slide) STF All rights reserved
2164622 Prosthesis (Gore Rig) STF All rights reserved
2164647 Sleep Pod NEWR STF All rights reserved
2164663 DSC_015crop STF CC BY
2164672 DSC_014crop STF CC BY
2164673 Hand Signals (Signs Taken for Wonders) VERTICAL STF All rights reserved
2164679 DSC_007a STF CC BY
2164698 DSC_015 STF CC BY
2164730 Oceanic Horror Single Channel Version STF All rights reserved
2164734 DSC_014 STF CC BY
2164747 DSC_007 STF CC BY
2164751 DSC_007 STF CC BY
2164755 DSC_011 STF CC BY
2164769 DSC_010 STF CC BY
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2164803 _MG_3597-Edit STF CC BY
2164805 _MG_3641-Edit STF CC BY
2164807 _MG_4075-Edit STF CC BY
2164814 _MG_3541-Edit STF CC BY
2164815 Hand Signals (Signs Taken for Wonders) STF All rights reserved
2164910 Left130crop STF CC BY
2164912 right130crop STF CC BY
2164914 Left20 STF CC BY
2164920 _MG_3549-Editcrop STF CC BY
2165080 Left20crop STF CC BY
2165086 Right30crop STF CC BY
2165094 Left40crop STF CC BY
2165160 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.20.09crop STF CC BY
2165169 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.20.49crop STF CC BY
2165170 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.35.37crop STF CC BY
2165178 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.19.47crop STF CC BY
2165184 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.35.37crop STF CC BY
2165185 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.19.47crop STF CC BY
2165186 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.20.49crop STF CC BY
2165287 Hand Signals (Signs Taken for Wonders) VERTICAL2 STF All rights reserved
2165292 Hand Signals (Signs Taken for Wonders)VERTICAL3 STF All rights reserved
2165896 Screenshot 2021-06-23 at 11.16.16 STF CC BY
2165906 Cable ITCH Still 20crop STF CC BY
2165943 Whistle 2 STF CC BY
2165958 Whistle 4crop STF CC BY
2165964 Slide 8 STF CC BY
2165971 Whistle 1 STF CC BY
2165982 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.28.16crop STF CC BY
2165988 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.19.22crop STF CC BY
2165989 Cable ITCH Still 39 STF CC BY
2165992 Cable ITCH Still 21 STF CC BY
2166002 Cable ITCH Still 39crop STF CC BY
2166005 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.50.05 STF CC BY
2166137 left120crop STF CC BY
2166143 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.45.51crop STF CC BY
2166164 Cable ITCH Still 26crop STF CC BY
2166169 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.17.59crop STF CC BY
2166180 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.23.46crop STF CC BY
2166185 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.33.24crop STF CC BY
2166194 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.24.10crop STF CC BY
2166203 Oceanic 3crop STF CC BY
2166207 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.36.41crop STF CC BY
2168252 Whistle 7 STF CC BY
2168317 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.31.40crop STF CC BY
2168324 Left150crop STF CC BY
2168330 Right160crop STF CC BY
2168335 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.30.23crop STF CC BY
2168345 Right160crop STF CC BY
2168351 Right50crop STF CC BY
2168399 Right120crop STF CC BY
2168407 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.25.23crop STF CC BY
2168409 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.43.38crop STF CC BY
2168410 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.44.36crop STF CC BY
2168420 Screenshot 2023-05-28 at 13.06.27crop STF CC BY
2168486 Right140crop STF CC BY
2168494 Left70crop STF CC BY
2168497 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.38.39crop STF CC BY
2168500 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.20.49crop STF CC BY
2168504 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.30.39crop STF CC BY
2168622 Screenshot 2023-05-28 at 15.32.30crop STF CC BY
2168623 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.24.36crop STF CC BY
2168667 Screenshot 2023-05-28 at 15.42.17crop STF CC BY
2168724 Hand Signals Still10crop STF CC BY
2168727 Hand Signals Still40crop STF CC BY
2168733 Hand Signals still50 STF CC BY
2175171 ModelingScreencapture STF CC BY
2175242 BabbysFirstDesign2 STF CC BY
2175245 IMG_3112 STF CC BY
2175249 Screenshot 2022-12-08 at 13.44.03 STF CC BY
2175257 _DSC8056 STF CC BY
2175266 _DSC7947 STF CC BY
2175270 _DSC8082 STF CC BY
2175288 _DSC8119 STF CC BY
2175314 _DSC8087 STF CC BY
2175324 IMG_1373 STF CC BY
2175327 IMG_1421 STF CC BY
2175330 IMG_8220 2 STF CC BY
2175332 video0000001 STF CC BY
2175334 Test0020001_1 STF CC BY
2175336 Installation Walkthrough 3,14 STF CC BY
2175337 IMG_4905 STF CC BY
2175340 FrontDoor4 STF CC BY
2175358 Screenshot 2022-11-28 at 10.28.47 STF CC BY
2175361 Screenshot 2022-11-28 at 10.29.09 STF CC BY
2175364 Screenshot 2022-11-28 at 10.28.47 STF CC BY
2175366 Screenshot 2022-11-28 at 10.29.09 STF CC BY
2175387 _DSC7998 STF CC BY
2175400 Screenshot 2022-11-28 at 10.29.25 STF CC BY
2175426 IMG-3909 STF CC BY
2175431 IMG-3909crop STF CC BY
2175432 DSC00002 STF CC BY
2175440 Screenshot 2021-02-19 at 10.37.37 STF CC BY
2175447 Beheadings STF CC BY
2175455 Beheadingscrop STF CC BY
2175463 Screenshot 2023-03-03 at 11.23.35crop STF CC BY
2175516 Screenshot 2021-02-19 at 10.03.42 STF CC BY
2175520 Screenshot 2021-02-19 at 09.38.20 STF CC BY
2175530 Diorama dissect STF CC BY
2175538 Plumbers diorama STF CC BY
2175544 IMG-3363crop STF CC BY
2175550 IMG-3349crop STF CC BY
2175577 _05A7726 STF CC BY
2175579 Screenshot 2019-09-05 at 18.02.55 STF CC BY
2175586 Screenshot 2019-07-30 at 14.37.23 STF CC BY
2175602 POV_tests190824 STF CC BY
2175606 LevineOfficeJunkWindowcrop STF CC BY
2175610 Island Corresondances with Laurence STF CC BY
2175612 Superimposed Islands (Utøya) STF CC BY
2175617 vegaarts_soerenthilo STF CC BY
2175621 _MG_8329 STF CC BY
2175625 _05A7726crop STF CC BY
2175627 _MG_8326crop STF CC BY
2176209 _MG_4087-Edit STF CC BY
2176241 _MG_3574 STF CC BY
2176245 _MG_3641-Edit STF CC BY
2176247 _MG_3560-Edit STF CC BY
2176273 _MG_3631-Edit STF CC BY
2176306 _MG_3565-Edit STF CC BY
2176322 _MG_4014-Edit STF CC BY
2176336 _MG_3569-Edit STF CC BY
2176339 _MG_3549-Edit STF CC BY
2176342 _MG_3563-Edit STF CC BY
2176343 _MG_3622-Edit STF CC BY
2176350 _MG_4018-Edit STF CC BY
2176355 _MG_4013-Edit STF CC BY
2176361 _MG_4024-Edit STF CC BY
2176370 _MG_4113-Editcrop STF CC BY
2176379 _MG_4053-Edit STF CC BY
2176384 _MG_3632-Edit STF CC BY
2176388 _MG_4095-Edit STF CC BY
2176390 _MG_4019-Edit STF CC BY
2176422 IMG_5848 STF CC BY
2176424 IMG_5849 STF CC BY
2176433 IMG_5863 STF CC BY
2176437 Rooftop Meditations STF CC BY
2176440 Screenshot 2021-06-04 at 13.07.23 STF CC BY
2176446 Screenshot 2021-06-04 at 13.06.33 STF CC BY
2176447 Screenshot 2021-06-04 at 13.07.56 STF CC BY
2176449 IMG_4787 STF CC BY
2176453 Screen shot 2010-01-18 at 12.34.49 AM STF CC BY
2176454 Screen shot 2010-01-18 at 12.31.49 AM STF CC BY
2176456 M test STF CC BY
2176458 IMG-3911 STF CC BY
2177403 right190crop STF CC BY
2177421 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.50.27crop STF CC BY
2177422 Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 09.50.27cropcrop2 STF CC BY
2182050 Sleep Pods STF CC BY
2182052 SleepPodWithTrader_rUSTinner_2023-01-21_12-12-12_s1_e2000 STF CC BY
2182053 Archipelago2_2022-12-27_14-00-32_s1_e1000 STF CC BY
2182055 Archipelago2b_KansasB_2023-01-14_18-11-43_s1_e2000 STF All rights reserved
2182107 IMG_1701 STF CC BY
2182109 floorplan STF CC BY
2182117 Perspective STF CC BY
2182121 Profil2 STF CC BY
2182125 visualisation 8 STF CC BY
2182127 314Visualisation2 STF CC BY
2182153 IMG_0143 STF CC BY
2182159 _DSC2111 STF CC BY
2182163 _DSC2100 STF CC BY
2182166 _DSC2128 STF CC BY
2182169 _DSC2086 STF CC BY
2182174 IMG-7658 STF CC BY
2182488 Viz20Marts01 STF CC BY
2182490 Viz20Marts03 STF CC BY
2183813 logos1 STF CC BY
2183814 Logos2 STF CC BY
2183816 Lanyard 3D STF CC BY
2183818 Logos4 STF CC BY
2183821 Logos3 STF CC BY
2393738 Untitled-1.ai University of Bergen All rights reserved
2393749 Untitled-2 UIB All rights reserved

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