

Nathan Riki Thomson, Adriano Adewale

About this exposition

SONIC EQUITY This exposition investigates questions of inclusion, equity, and decolonisation through the central voice of the Brazilian berimbau. Drawing on the approaches of artistic research, musical case studies are employed to investigate the core concepts, including the solo berimbau work of Adriano Adewale, as well as duo dialogues between Adriano Adewale on berimbau and Nathan Riki Thomson on double bass, seen through the conceptual lens of third space. Findings emerge in terms of uncovering and reimagining the unique, experimental sonic possibilities of the berimbau and the ways they can be utilized for artistic expression in both solo and duo playing. Through shining a light on the unique possibilities of the berimbau, questions arise in terms of why this instrument and its interconnected traditions have not been given equal space and value within higher music education, highlighting the need for institutions to continually reassess their policies through the lens of decolonisation. The artistic investigations further reveal issues related to the need for equity in music and music education, pointing towards a decolonised future where marginalized instruments such as the berimbau are given space and valued equally alongside all forms of musical expression. This connects back to the fundamental human need to be seen, acknowledged, and valued in our world, which is a commonality we can perhaps all relate to. Key words: berimbau, equity, decolonisation, interculturalism, higher music education, third space.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsberimbau, equity, decolonisation, interculturalism, higher music education, third space.
last modified29/10/2024
share statusprivate
affiliationSibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki
copyrightAdriano Adewale and Nathan Riki Thomson
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
published inRUUKKU - Studies in Artistic Research
portal issue21. Performing Artistic Research in Music – Performing Music in Artistic Research

Simple Media

id name copyright license
2091991 circle 1 Andre Rocca All rights reserved
2091998 circle 3 Andre Rocca All rights reserved
2165670 Adriano_berimbau Nathan Riki Thomson All rights reserved
2187707 03 Poem 00 Adriano Adewale and Nathan Riki Thomson All rights reserved
2187712 05 Poem 02 Adrano Adewale and Nathan Riki Thomson All rights reserved
2187716 08 Poem 05 Adriano Adewale and Nathan Riki Thomson All rights reserved
2189971 Sonic Poems from an Unknown Land Ville Tanttu All rights reserved
2195535 Circle 01_0 Ville Tanttu All rights reserved
2195538 Circle 01_1 Ville Tanttu All rights reserved
2195541 Circle 01_2 Ville Tanttu All rights reserved
2195550 Circle 01_3 Ville Tanttu and Adriano Adewale All rights reserved
2195553 Circle 01_4 Ville Tanttu (video) and Adriano Adewale (music) All rights reserved
2195556 Circle 01 Ville Tanttu (video) and Adriano Adewale (music) All rights reserved
2195586 Resonance playing 01 Ville Tanttu (video) Nathan Riki Thomson and Adriano Adewale (music) All rights reserved
2195590 Resonance playing 02 Ville Tanttu (video) Nathan Riki Thomson and Adriano Adewale (music) All rights reserved
2204527 Sonic Poems from an Unknown Land Ville Tanttu All rights reserved

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