
Claudia Mongini / Andres Vahos / Emiddio Vasquez - Diagrammatic Traits: Scream(s)—Force(s)—Manifold(s) (last edited: 2016)

Paulo de Assis
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open exposition

About this exposition

Claudia Mongini / Andres Vahos / Emiddio Vasquez | University of Paris 8 Vincennes—Saint-Denis, FR / University of Paris 8 Vincennes—Saint-Denis, FR / Independent artist and researcher Day 1, 9 November, De Bijloke Rotonde, 14:00-16:00 Departing from Kant-Deleuze’s notion of synthesis understood as a “rule of construction” by which a complexion of heterogeneous elements is driven to the consistency of a concept, this panel inquires its diagrammatic conditions—that is, its operative potential for the creation of transversal relations. Andres Vahos engages in the operative dimension of the cry—an operation problematising the lien between image and force—by constructing a relation between the sensible “signal” and the invisible or inaudible forces stirring the cry. Claudia Mongini examines the Leibnizian concept of force in terms of its logics: the potential for a synthetic construction of an “architecture of multiplicities.” Force is grasped in its intrinsic relational conditions, as a mechanism of transversal production. Emiddio Vasquez’s intervention departs from a pragmatic problem encountered in his making of art, the presence of “false dualism” between analogue and digital. He proposes to think of this impasse in terms of Riemaniann (and Deleuzian) manifolds. This panel asks whether the operation of synthesis—a factor producing (and problematising) difference in each intervention—can be transposed as a critical point of inquiry between the papers as well, thus opening the point of view of a (problematic) relation between aesthetics, ontology, and artistic practice. Can this strategy be conductive towards the creation of an agencement of artistic research?
typeresearch exposition
last modified17/03/2016
statusin progress
share statuspublic
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