
"When it's all there." From Walking to Artistic Connectivity (soundfiles) (last edited: 2024)

Falk Hubner
no media files associated
open exposition

About this exposition

This small exposition offers the three accompanying soundfiles to the chapter "When it's all there", included in the edited publication (title), edited by (editors).
typeresearch exposition
last modified29/04/2024
statusin progress
share statuspublic
affiliationFontys Academy of the Arts Tilburg, The Netherlands
copyrightFalk Hübner
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
languageBritish English

Simple Media

id name copyright license
2759722 Muziek 1 - v02 Falk Hübner All rights reserved
2759725 Soundfile 2 Falk Hübner All rights reserved
2759728 Soundfile 3 Falk Hübner All rights reserved
2763878 Stiltewandeling partituur - v04 Falk Hübner All rights reserved

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