
at the end of the sentence, it rotted (2024)

Cecilie Fang Jensen

About this exposition

at the end of the sentence, it rotted gathers written words and photos exploring how language is not purely about communication, but a medium of revealing hierarchy of bodies, as we assign and circulate signs to bodies - none of which are neutral. Moving between auto-theoretical poetry and essays on 104 pages, I write with an I using language to explore language itself from within; appropriating how words are never innocent, when the languages we speak are the ones with political value.
typeresearch exposition
keywordslanguaging, auto-ethnography, Language, decay, poetry
last modified25/06/2024
share statusshared with registered RC users
affiliationRoyal Academy of Art, The Hague
copyrightCecilie Fang
licenseAll rights reserved
published inRoyal Academy of Art, The Hague
portal issue2. Publications 2024
external linkhttps://ceciliefang.com/at-the-end-of-the-sentence-it-rotted

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