
Stop and go: nodes of transformation and transition (2017)

Michael Zinganel, Michael Hieslmair

About this exposition

Stop and Go is a research project investigating physical and social transformation at nodes and hubs of transnational mobility and migration alongside major pan-European road corridors in a geographic triangle between Vienna, Tallinn, and the Bulgarian-Turkish border. It draws on intensive embedded field trips with a mobile lab (a Ford Transit van) using (deep) mapping, workshops, installations, and exhibitions both on tour and in a stationary work space in a Vienna logistics hub (a former railway station). Intermediate and final results have been represented in diagrammatic drawings, maps, and (animated) graphic novels.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsmobility, migration, anthropology, artistic research, urban space, rhythm, mapping, graphic novel, animation
last modified10/12/2017
share statusprivate
affiliationAcademy of Fine Arts Vienna
licenseAll rights reserved
published inJournal for Artistic Research
portal issue14.
external linkhttp://stopandgo.weblog.mur.at


comments: 1 (last entry by Michael Zinganel - 29/11/2017 at 13:57)