
Various Writings: Chapter One (2018)

Dion Star, Lizzie Ridout, Maria Christoforidou

About this exposition

VARIOUS WRITINGS: CHAPTER I There are rumours that writing will cease, books will die, the digital eye will take over. Standing at the edge of this precipice we look away from these preoccupations. Instead we look back, investigating the act of writing through systematic consideration, attempting to disregard all preconceptions. This exposition focuses on the gestural and uses Vilém Flusser’s concept of ‘pseudo writing’, to analyse the interaction between the physical actions and the technologies of writing. The first act of Various Writings’ was a response to Vilém Flusser’s text The Gesture of Writing. This text radicalised our ideas on what constitutes research and thematised the conditions of sharing in ‘other’ terms. Flusser meticulously disassembles the act of writing. We follow in his footsteps, using personal mythologies, Oulipian constraints / translations, taxonomies and non-verbal conversations as implements to excavate relics of writing. We collect codes, tools, surfaces; test writing against various technologies and translate it into movements, attitudes and objects.
typeresearch exposition
keywordswriting, flusser, gesture, gestures, pseudo writing, art, oulipo, trialogue
last modified29/08/2018
share statusprivate
licenseAll rights reserved
published inRUUKKU - Studies in Artistic Research
portal issue8. Conditions of Sharing


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