

Outi Condit

About this exposition

As my doctoral process winds towards its (however partial and provisional) sedimentation as "commentary" I have been thinking about writing. How can I write? The Performing Arts Research Centre curriculum asserts that the commentary "must demonstrate capacities to analyse, articulate, conceptualise, contextualize, and theorise artistic research settings in ways characteristic to artistic research." In ways characteristic to artistic research. It's an invitation. The door is ajar! In Figures of Touch (2018) Harri Laakso writes that the task of artistic research is to "keep grasping towards what cannot be grasped, to encounter the unknown as unknown, where the unknown will not be revealed, but indicated." Over the past four years I have been trying to trace assemble perform provoke something of the elusive experience of being "more than one, less than many", inhabited and moulded by relations, matters, (secret) agents, machines and ghosts, yet still managing to find some space to wriggle. The research has been informed by my professional life as an actor within the apparatus of theatre that folds into my queer experience of becoming in discomfort with expectations placed on my gendered body and the joys of failure. The experiments and art works are not my data. They are ways my research manifests in the world. If I don't want to write about them, how can I write? How can I inhabit the impasse that is artistic research, not as a binary opposition, but as a field of historically situated and contingent tensions of what is legible accessible legitimate and citable and for whom? Can an artistic strategy be considered a form of writing? This mini-exposition displays a writing experiment made through the Remote Control Human machine, a speculative re-assembling of elements, bodies and politics of theatre with which I have been experimenting in different ways for some time now. For this experiment I asked two of my closest colleagues, Vincent Roumagnac and Simo Kellokumpu, to collaborate. For each I wrote a "script" or a "seed", maximum one page long. I was thinking of them when I wrote, so the "seed" already grows from the intersection of my approach and theirs. I sent the scripts about a day before each session, and invited them to edit and rewrite freely as they liked. Then I asked them to perform their version of the script in front of the camera, through the Remote Control Human machine, with myself as their remote control avatar. I also asked them to decide on the location and frame the image, in effect, to split their artistry into two: to both inhabit and perform through my body, and to control what the camera sees as well. In practice the arrangement was realised through a telephone connection in between the "driver" and the "avatar", in this case myself, and simple game mechanic consisting of signals via a dog clicker: one click for speech and two for action. In addition the "driver" could see through two screened streams from two action cameras, one on the body of the "avatar" (P.O.V.-cam), and another behind the filming camera, so that the "driver" could see both the frame of the camera and the "avatar" behind it (panopti-cam). I would like to invite you to consider this arrangement as (something that produces) writing. Where and when is the writing? Who or what is writing? And obviously very importantly, (how) does this writing become legible? I am seriously considering continuing with this arrangement, so practical suggestions as well as conceptual considerations are warmly welcomed.
typeresearch exposition
last modified16/10/2019
statusin progress
share statuspublic
copyrightOuti Condit
licenseAll rights reserved

Simple Media

id name copyright license
684051 Commentary try out Vincent Outi Condit All rights reserved
684053 Simo writing try out compressed Outi Condit All rights reserved
684054 Mika commentary try out compressed Outi All rights reserved
684055 Mika gif tryout Outi Condit All rights reserved
684056 Mika fast gif 1 Outi Condit All rights reserved
684064 Stacey RCH writing1 Outi Condit All rights reserved
684065 Stacey RCH writing1 Outi Condit All rights reserved
684066 Stacey RCH writing1 Outi Condit All rights reserved
684067 Stacey Outi Condit All rights reserved
684076 Outi Condit Outi Condit All rights reserved
684077 Outi Condit Outi Condit All rights reserved
684078 Mika short Outi Condit All rights reserved
684052 Screen Shot 2019-03-27 at 14.01.18 Outi All rights reserved
684058 Screen Shot 2019-03-27 at 16.57.43 Outi All rights reserved
684068 PLAY SIMO & VINCENT Outi Condit All rights reserved
684069 PAUSE SIMO & VINCENT Outi Condit All rights reserved
684070 PLAY SIMO & VINCENT Outi Condit All rights reserved
684071 PAUSE SIMO & VINCENT Outi Condit All rights reserved
684057 play/pause Outi Condit All rights reserved
684059 Play Outi Condiy All rights reserved
684060 Play Outi Condit All rights reserved
684061 Pause Outi Condit All rights reserved
684062 Pause Outi Condit All rights reserved
684063 Play Outi Condit All rights reserved
684072 PLAY Outi Condit All rights reserved
684073 PAUSE Outi Condit All rights reserved
684074 PLAY Outi Condit All rights reserved
684075 PAUSE Outi Condit All rights reserved

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