Elizabeth Marr

Netherlands (residence) °1991

Elizabeth Marr was born and brought up in Aberdeen.  Elizabeth attended Harlaw Academy, receiving additional flute lessons from Catherine O’Rourke and David Nicholson at the North East of Scotland Music School.  She graduated with a First Class Honours Bachelors Degree from Trinity Conservatoire of Music and Dance in London studying flute with Anna Noakes, Margaret Campbell and Julian Coward and piccolo with Alan Baker.  Elizabeth is currently in her first year of her Masters degree at the Royal Conservatoire of The Hague studying with Thies and Dorine Schade (piccolo).


Elizabeth has taken part in many festivals and competitions, winning the Aberdeen and North East of Scotland Music Festival open flute solo class from 2006-2009, runner up of the Aberdeen Ishoka Young Musician of the Year 2009, Finalist of the Harold Clarke Woodwind Competition Section A (2010) and Finalist of the Harold Clarke Competition Section B (2011).


Recently she has toured Italy with the International Opera Theatre company, premiering the opera Camille Claudel, been a member of the Nelfac flute ensemble and Camerata Scotland performing and leading workshops around Scotland. She has also taken part in the the Thies Roorda Summer School in Buonoconvento, NEFLAC Flute Winter Academy, the Wil Offermans Summer Flute Course 2011 and the British Flute Society/Trinity College flute festival and many masterclasses including with Emily Beynon, Paul-Emmanuel Davies, Susan Milan, Wissam Boustany and Jonathan Snowden.