
Dessiner le trans-corps (01/01/2015)

Michael Schwab
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About this article

This text introduces and contextualises my use of 'figure' and 'second-order artefact' in order to explain the visual operations at play in much of my research. Following both Merleau-Ponty and Lyotard, it argues that notions of 'Gestalt' need to be complicated and that what we consider to be a 'body' needs to be challenged. With reference to Didi-Huberman and Ranciere, an alternative way is sought that can explain how a shape may think. The English translation is available online on the Research Catalogue following the link below.
keywordsartistic research, proto-object, figure, figural, drawing, second-order artefact
copyrightMichael Schwab/La Part de l'Oeil
publisherLa Part de l'Oeil
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