
A thought of performance (25/08/2016)

Tero Nauha

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About this paper

My aim is to articulate both theoretical and practical move from schizoanalysis towards a proposition of a heretical practice, following a non-standard thought as being presented by François Laruelle. Thought and performance have a problematic relationship, especially when the presumed conjunction is a philosophical one. My proposition departs from the discussion of the nonhuman or non-standard philosophy. It aims to present an application of thought in performance art practice and artistic research and speculate on the inconsistent relationships between matter as bodies or objects and meaning created through performance. Here, practice does not represent the real but produces an ‘advent’, or a function of as-if-real. The particular nature of the ‘advent’, or practice as an advent, has only a unilateral relation with the real: it is speculative practice. These premises will open up a complex set of questions, into which my proposition does not pretend to provide a conclusive answer, but rather an elaboration of the problematics of performance-as-research in correlation with the nonhuman thought and non-standard philosophy. Inasmuch the non-standard philosophy has jarred and contested the post-continental philosophy, alongside the new materialist and post-human thought so that it will contest the concept of body and representation in performance practice, also. Do we regard performance-as-research as ‘philosophizing’ saturated with ‘decisional’ forms of thought, is a question, which will implicate a whole range of speculations on body, relationality, matter and duration? My proposal aims to ponder on these questions on speculative means and presenting them in regards to my performance art practice.
keywordsschizoanalysis, non-philosophy, performance
copyrightTero Nauha