
An Ill-Conceived Satire (01/11/2019)

James Wood

Available media

  • The Drum Machine is Not Dead The digital era in music stretches from around the 1980s to now; the analogue era reaches from prehistory to now. How have they inter(re)acted? How do they shape each other? This paper is a jest: an unthorough reversal, an attempt to shake up my own preconceptions. I am unsure as to whether or not it worked, but it was fun to write.

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About this article

The digital era in music stretches from around the 1980s to now; the analogue era reaches from prehistory to now. How have they inter(re)acted? How do they shape each other? This paper is a jest: an unthorough reversal, an attempt to shake up my own preconceptions. I am unsure as to whether or not it worked, but it was fun to write.