
I had a carpet, plastic bowls, and yarn. I started with manipulating by removing threads to create empty spaces in the carpet. By doing this, connecting through removing instead of adding something became a possibility. The leftover threads were used for the bowls to make them part of the carpet. By cutting and reattaching the carpet gets curves and an extra layer, which is taken from the knits from the technical course. The flat, the threads and the curves give it three different dimensions.


Disconnecting and connecting

By taking the carpet apart and connecting it through long threads I referred back to the knitting samples of the technical course. The yarn serves as the connector and connects the separate parts in different ways. During the process, other ways of connecting emerged. For example the connectors came through the hole and this made the connectors more connected to the other part. Instead of connecting to the section, the connector is connected in the other section.



Spatial context

It was good to work on a bigger scale and think about placement in a spatial context. Something that came up during the process was the empty space. What is the relationship between the object in space and the empty space? How can you make the empty space part of the design process?