Through the evidence of those artefacts generated through our live enquiry we address the questions:

PRACTICES + ECOLOGIES: How do specific aesthetic research practices enable/enhance aesthetic thinking? 

CONDITIONS + AGENCIES: What are the conditions for aesthetic thinking, and how might these conditions be nurtured? What enables / supports the emergence of the conditions for aesthetic thinking, and what inhibits / limits the emergence of such conditions? Who / what is the agent of aesthetic thinking?



These transcript distillations have also been used as a TEXT SOURCE or as a working material for the Practice of Reading (Noticing Attraction) and Reading (Distillation), within various Ecologies in Action.

1. This text is generated through gathering the outcomes of live distillation practices from within the various Ecologies of Action activated during this project (between 25.03.2021 - 13.07.2021): Practice of Reading (Noticing Attraction), Practice of Reading (Distillation) and Practice of Transcription (See Practice of Conversation-as-Material). See Single Practices for the scores that enables the emergence of this text.

2. This text is generated through the Distillation through Marking of the full conversation-as-material transcript generated through the project (between 25.03.2021 - 13.07.2021), where all four researchers highlighted sections. This text comprises only those sections marked by more than one researcher. See Practice of Conversation-as-Material (Distillation through Marking) for score that enabled the emergence of this text.


The way I entered this practice - resonates. How are my senses mobilized? The sphere is constituted by a certain mobilization of my senses. The constitution of this sphere, this is what resonates. How are my senses mobilized in order to constitute this sphere? What is the balance of the senses – the visual, the tactile, the olfactory, the tactile? It depends on the inclination of my head.

I notate it as, I notice it as, I notate it as - I notice it as the constitution of this sphere. Sounding. Sounding. The sounding of my breath would extend the allowance of something. What I call the constitution of the - what I liked was – immediate sphere. Immediately - in terms of without taking, without needing to make a connection in between. This threshold of rubbing up against habits of being in the world - it is the confrontation with the shock of that, the confrontation of the shock of certain habits.

Thinking how is this mode different? A sense of where I am going. I am able to touch, to touch making a small movement, a kind of systematic attunement. How do I do this in moving? To make a connection in between. Immediacy – which takes me some time. Come off the path. It was a vertical register – it was a dropping in, a dropping into the world in a sense. But there is no reason to move almost.

How is this mode different? It was a vertical register – it was a dropping in, a dropping into the world in a sense. A really different kind of stillness, a less self-conscious stillness. I realize that I need time to digest. The depth of attention was limited in my own practicing of it, in what I am curious about. Do you think, I am wondering now, am I departing from my direct experiences?

I am wondering if the sound can be present, but not in a reaching way? There was a moment on the walk when the sun touched me – so it wasn’t so much that I was seeing the sun. Am I speculating though - was this my experience?

Self-contained – the proximate edge of the body felt almost enclosing. A very different kind of movement, close to my body but not introspective. Very proximate to the body but not going into. All these very tiny shifts were unfolding in so many options. Everything else is placed inside it. I never used the word deviation before, but there comes another deviation – what comes in, I don’t know?

The constitution of this proximate sphere is a condition in terms of once you are there, then there is a shift that needs to be maintained. The area of interest was much more close to my body, I stayed near but not going into. There was light coming onto my body but I did not only realize it with my eyes. The difference between the eyes reaching towards something or receiving. The place where the air was touching my skin.

This I is not an egocentric I – it opens up, it becomes a medium to define this sphere, and for me what is relevant in the act of perceiving, what is in my experience, is this sphere which needs me as a point in the world to be defined. But this me, as this point in the world, is not the focus of my attention, but this sphere needs this point operatively in the world to exist. I continue with some movement and all of a sudden the immediateness of the sphere and some sensuous qualities came back and it started to fall into place.


Exploration. Perceiving. Establishing. Chain. Chain of things. Eyes. It is. The light. Finding. The lights of a car. Certain sense. Establishing. Projection. Appreciate. Actually. Able to touch. Realize. Curated. Support. With one another. Reach. In moving. Relation. Immediately. Immediate. Impulse. Movements happening. I have to. A different kind. In that zone. Immediate. Basis. Shifts. Dwell. Dwelling places. Allowing. Allowing. Out of. Drawn. Out of. Calling. Automatic. Dynamics. Intrinsically. Intrinsically connected. Confrontation. Sense-making systems. Between. Ordinarily. Modulation. Edge. Impulse. Stimulates. Light. Interrelates. Outside. Approximate. Vertical. Shadow. Into. Mobilization. Mobilize. Immediate. Whatever. Into. Impulse. Dropping down. In terms. Thresholds. Blossom. Listening. Situated. Sounded. Reaching.

Staying near. Across. Going into. Map. Going down. Dropping into. Rubbing up against. Almost. In-formed. Con-tained. The edge was much more soft. And still something happened on the physical level of gentleness, in allowing myself, being allowed, not even allowing myself. It is happening, a chain of things happening. Thinking how is this mode different?

A gentleness of being there, a negotiation. And also physically of joints articulating themselves differently. So they must find a kind of systematic attuning with one another. A feeling of moving into things, a quality of this moving into, of continuously moving into places. Without needing to, to make a connection in between. The balance of senses. Balance. The gentleness, the gentleness allows you to be, allows the constitution of the gentleness, allows the being there. I wonder. Exploration, exploring, ex– out and plurare – to weep, to cry. Through a certain mobilization. Rubbing up against. Actualise. Placeness. In between places. Self-contained. Tendency. Ground. Density. Again. Not connected to moving into. At the extremities where it was most attended to, touching.

Today I had to move to form the thoughts differently. I could not write at all. To receive something, and what it is. To allow, or is it just happening? Layers of different thoughts happening, different languages - different. Being in-formed. I get information, digest information. To fall in place, coupled differently, again. Proximate. Immediate. Gradient. Receive. Softness. Unevenness. Allowed. Enabled. Time to digest. My capacity for access into a space of aesthetic action. Encountering from different angles. Allowing to be. Lines. Contingent. That moment. Somehow. Constitution of gentleness. The deviations also. Everything. Something happens. Choosing. It started to fall into place. Disappearance. Some sensuous quality. A possibility. Outline. A possible violation. Co-constitutes. Playing games. Going off and playing. Evolution. Or even that it retrospectively a sense of structure to what has been. Accepted as belonging to this. Congruent in a way.

How to choose again? There is a coming alive in the moment, the aspect of releasing at the same time arising. And then this release through movement, it is not a projected movement. It definitely includes a specific knowledge, of knowing what I need to do now. That edge was rendered more porous. The deviations, another deviation. Distances. Thresholds. Senses. Skin. Qualities. Meet. Soft. Dropping. Moving. And the stains on the ground. Weather-wise and seasonally. Just being able to go to the floor, this feels contingent on much bigger agencies. Coming alive. Recognition of so many possibilities. And this is something that appears again.

Wondering how thinking becomes differently possible within different circumstances. What seemed to emerge was the interplay between a sense of orientation and a sense of disorientation. A contradictory vector between establishing and moving, and what multidirectional physical movement does with it. Enabling a kind of fluidity. The line between these different modes was subtle. There is a coming alive. Releasing and at the same time arising. It starts to steam up and thickens. Space becomes a place and this is an exciting feeling.

This breakdown in the classification of what is ‘my’. What I noticed was that I almost needed, no, I found, that certain kinds of micro-movements or other kinds of movements facilitated my movements. The egocentric I opens up and becomes a medium. There is a hyper-activation of subjectivity but subjectivity as egocentric experience disappears. It is through me, but I do not appear. The smell suddenly activated a different kind of stillness, a much less self-conscious stillness. Very subtle, but very present. I stayed near but not going into. The feeling of something, something about the felt sensation. Something of a dropping in, it was a vertical register. It was a dropping in, a dropping into. It stayed near, but not going into. There was no reason to move almost. It was almost like my attentional threshold was at the limit of my body, within the body but not so self-contained. A zone with spatial thickness. That edge might have to shimmer. I disappear. Taking. The gentleness, the gentleness that allowed the constitution of the gentleness, allowed the being there.


Structure. Rooted. Heard. Play. Begin. Continue. Enter. Agency. Outermost. Field. Focusing. Faraway. Discontinuity. Radiant. Emerged. To. There. Touching. Closer. Capacity. Moment. Different. Uneveness. Situated. Got stuck. Cannot. Connection. Sensation. Sounds. Movement. Noticing. Digest. Congruent. Conditions. Deviations. Actualization. Co-constitutes something. Shift. Coming. Coming into this local. Comes in. Coming. Connecting with. Inside. Happening. Encountering. Receive. Immediate sphere. While. Changing. Impulse.


Connected to a station. Stationary. Inclination. Recall. Reach. Remind. Opening. Under-stand. Over. Specific. Depends. To begin. Interposed. Meditation. Gone. Sense. Back. Immediate. Mirror. Expand. Accept. Inform. Actions. Inter-esting. Shock. Tactile. Following. Interception. Bring. Hybrid. Lower. Level. Departing. Leverage. Mid range. Listening. Vertical. To what extent. Already. Automatic. Dynamics. Into. There. Different. Repaired. Middle range. Realise. Moving. Not in a reaching way. Arm. Tap into. Implies a change in texture. A contradictory vector between establishing the Nahbereich or constituting or co-constituting the Nahbereich. In moving. Listening or hearing and everything that was activated in listening and hearing. And I also had this question of how much is movement needed. But I could realise it with my eyes. Light. Surface. Shadow. I realise. The front and the back and the sides.

Orient – as in arrangement. A different kind of choosing. This feeling of moving into things. The score is a tool that co-constitutes something, but it is not the only one. When I accepted the possibility of close and mid range, then this was positive for me inhabiting this. Momentum that arises from movement giving rise to movement. Still, everything else is placed inside it. More estranged in a way, a change, a change of texture. Speaker. Strengthened. Release. Rendered. Somehow. Uprising. Something. Surface. Settle. Face. Sur. Away. Porous.

Something comes back. The focus shifts to another one. A practice of localising proximity, or delineating proximity, or constituting proximity. The investigation was to do with whether it is possible to reach with my fingers, with my physical body, the edge of my shadow. What do I allow to happen, do I decide to allow or is it just happening? And by becoming aware of it do I allow for? Things on the surface of the eye calling me to move. What does it mean to hold back?

The motivation for the investigation was micro. Tuning in. Dropping in. Dropping into. In-formed. In-formation. That edge might have to shimmer – beyond the limit of the body’s proximate sphere. It stayed near but not going into. Maybe I was feeling doubtful or lacking confidence that the micro movement was sufficient. The line between these different modes was subtle. Not wanting to do something that felt expressive.

Something to do with a shifting sense of gravity, and the shifting of the head. A lowering. A coming alive in the moment. The aspect of releasing and yet at the same time arising. All of a sudden, the immediateness of the sphere. Moves. Stay. You came. Touching. Soften. Difficulty. Opening. Nevertheless. Movement. Centre. Somehow. Non-expressivity. Something. Sufficient. Enabling. Allowed. Lens-based. Something of a dropping in, it was a vertical register. It was a dropping in, a dropping into.


Possible. Experience. Capacity. Condensed. Mediated. Into. Incorporates. Now. Probably. Enter. Experience. Unfolding. Spoken. Language. Medium. Mode. Materialised. Situation. Easy. Presence. Focused. Wondering. Aboutness. Contact. Expanding. Drawn. To. Object. Create. Exercise. Constitution. Presence. Being. Shaping. Nameless. Situations. Tuning. Mute. Experience. Rubbing. It was really a physical sensation turning into an image. The place where the air was touching my skin. Spaciousness then appeared, or something of a space. Maybe not spaciousness - space appeared, and then it became spacious.

The felt sensation of sound within the proximate sphere. Accepting it as being part of my structure. The continuity of space is actually always happening, this impression of continuity. This transition between the inner and outer. What is this becoming aware of? As belonging to. I had a feeling of it expanding. Where the edge was much more soft. This kind of lively lightness – a quality of lightness but within the materiality of the paper was really striking. To feel the sound of thought and my breath arise. Does it arise some place in my body?

Alternative. Shapes. Perceptual. Range. Shaping. Listening. Inclination. Shimmer. Abandoning. Continuing. Shimmering. Touching. Forming. Flight.The question of touching, of the with. Not as a solid as it seems to be, and it seems to be the most solid thing. There are all these nameless situations or moments that are not graspable yet. How do you modify the frame implicitly? As being part of my structure. Articulated sounds that touch the stone.

Not to bring to language. But to take a pencil to produce articulated signs, touching the stone. To keep the fundamental continuity of the mode of doing. Immediate because it also relates to the question of how, how are my senses mobilised in order to constitute this sphere. It depends of the inclination of my head. Language unfolding from experience. Making. In the same key or texture. Happens. Investigation. Listen. Necessary. Stays. Dropping. In.The sense of muteness, it was not silent.

It stayed local to the body, very proximate to the body. How is this mode different? There was something of a dropping in, it was a vertical register. It stayed near, but not going into. Where is my interest going? This felt different, it felt a cognitive operation, but not a linguistic operation. It is expanding, I had a feeling of it expanding, at the edges of the space, emerging.Foregrounded. Letting go. Density. Capacity. First. Beyond. Sensation. Encounter. Shimmer. Shift. Fluctuate.

The direction of things. All this density. The sounding of the things. To observe the sounding of the things. The sounding. What do I follow and where does it come from? Listening. Outside the attentional threshold, the immediate sphere - to notice, but not to attend. What is not belonging to this sphere? Tactile perception – not a rejection of listening or hearing. In other words. There are sounds there, the experience is not without sounds. Around it, not part of it. What is seen or touched, not excluded. Not departing from direct experience, the difference between the eyes reaching or receiving.

The proximate experience at the level of the organs, of the ear. Not so much the seeing but the felt sensation. Of sounds reverberating. What can be recognised in experience, an edge. The density of experience. At the extremities. The depth of the proximate sphere, activated as a zone with spatial thickness, the felt sensations of the body, fluctuating beyond the edge.


Relating. Noticing. Spaciousness. Shimmer. Part. Spacious. Capacity. Incorporate. Somehow. Something. Moving. Abandoning. Moment. Particular. Perception. Correspondence. Coincide. Letting. Noting. Coming. Thinking. Stillness. Shifts. Continue. Sounding.

There is this threshold. There was something of a dropping in. The continuity of space or where the space is actually happening – this impression of continuity. It stayed near but not going into. The experience of space just through a piece of paper is enough. But at same time realising that there is the other and there is a coming together. A distributed field of agencies. They coincide. Even endless in a way. Flickery. Lively. Concrete. Density. Perceive. Eyes. Resonating. Sense. Becoming. Narrowing.


This mute quality of presence, a material, physical presence. Here, there was something very much to do with letting go of the sense of the history. Endless in a way. There was a kind of perceptual flashing. I am also wondering what is its presence there. Not to bring to language. There is a shift there. It is not so much physical health, perceptual health, but cognitive health. How perceptual capacity is strengthened or diminished by certain ways of using it. Not as solid as it seems to be. A way of acting, a disposition. Diffusing. Thinking. Appearing. Shapes. Different. Articulated. Mediate. Embodied. Example. Continuing. Inclination. Stay. With. Operation. Movement. Information. Condensed. Attuning. Confrontation. Nameless. Modify. Stillness. Mobilization. Intention. Discern. Realized. Coincide.


How much is movement needed? All these nameless situations or moments that are not graspable yet. There are a lot of growing processes going on that I cannot name. Overwhelmed by all this density, I almost cannot find any words. Becoming aware of, becoming connected with, getting in touch with. This threshold of rubbing up against habits of being in the world. Sound can be present, but not in a reaching way. The egocentric I opens up and becomes a medium. Again, there was something of the dropping in, it was a vertical register. It was a dropping in, a dropping into the world in a sense. That edge was rendered porous. Not forcing language to be a grasping tool, but a touching tool.


Continuity. Unfolding. Discern. Area. Smell. Forming. Stay near. Threshold. Resonating. Spheres. Spaciousness. Shifts. Muteness. Listening. Breath. Medium. Density. Extremities. Capacity. Hands. Blind. Becoming. A zone with spatial thickness – where that edge might have to shimmer. What do I follow and where does it come from? I did not realize it with my eyes I also realized it with my hands, with the front and the back and the sides. Because my eyes are conditioned to operating in a certain way. To move with.

Moving with a distributed field of agencies. It is like the stone – one focused condensed image, one physical image that I had. It is expanding. The attempt to form words. It stayed near but not going into. I let words appear. It was not about. Like a mental note. Overwhelmed by all this density – and I understood that this is a momentum that I can grasp. Which takes some time – there is this threshold. Unable to judge, to touch making a small movement. It depends on the inclination of my head. It stayed near but not going into.


Incorporate. Listening. Balance. Ears. Possibilities. Mobilize. Functionality. Perception. Investigation. Conditioned. Reinforcing. Dissimilar. Informing. Different. Capacity. Operation. Organ. Operation. Engagement. Appropriating. Encounter. Foreground. Impulse. Shimmer. In mind. Spaciousness. Receive. Endless. Wider. This mute quality of presence, of the physical material presence. Language unfolding from that experience, in the same key or texture as that experience. How the language shapes the way that I am, or how I am present in a way. The presence of this – how does it shape my presence? Only arising through. It did not come as something that I could imagine.


Acting. Thinking. Withness. Form. Forming. Mobilizing. Relation. Now. Wondering. Withness. The stone. Constitution. Stone. Spheres. Mouth. Scent. Moment. Other agencies. Withness. Disappears. Egocentric experience disappears - I disappear in the moment. For making possible a certain way of relation. I wasn’t appearing. In terms of becoming in touch. This was within my proximate sphere. There are different forms of presence. Defined by a way of acting, by a disposition. There are all these nameless situations or moments which are not graspable yet.

There is this quality in the forming of the sounding while talking, and I can feel being here with you interacting with the thought and at the same time there as this stone and this stone in front of me, and I am also wondering what is its presence there? This language-with, thinking-with, unfolding. And I wonder, what is this mouth, this tongue, forming. The presence of this, how does it shape my presence? The stone is so material, so concrete, and so dense in a way. The material is resonating – this moment of becoming. Even endless, in a way. And then there is just this paper in front of me, with lines on it. This materiality of the stone. And the felt sensation of sound. The mute quality of presence. A material, physical presence which was shaping somehow, it is shaping. That edge might have to shimmer. The presence of this, how does it shape my presence? This shimmer, the shimmering of it. The sense of giving time to something, giving time to something with a certain kind of engagement.

There are lines on a paper, or maybe even two lines. But it is somehow an engrained process. This kind of lively lightness, a quality of lightness but within the materiality of the paper. What did the stone make me be? An object of perception. Funnily enough, the stone was now for me a completely mute object. I had a feeling of it expanding. Mute. It was more the space emerging.


Doing. Distributed. Relating. Appear. Feeling. Condition. Density. Stillness. A note. No tendency. The sounding. Enough. Stillness. Expanding. Stillness. Inclination. Wondering. Sounding. Wondering. Immediately. Or not. Related. Needed. Overwhelmed by all this density. A variety of interaction. It was a kind of perceptual flashing. Both possibilities are there. A lively lightness but within the materiality of the paper. Thinking about it in a different way. Flickery and lively. To observe the border. Perceptual flashing. This impression of continuity. This moment of becoming. This coming together, realizing. Because my eyes are conditioned.


This is the specificity of this practice. Localizing proximity, constituting proximity. But not only focused on that. Once you are there, then there is a shift. The resonances of what happens. Within this field of proximity, this attentional threshold. Dissolving the sense of the representational. Not strengthening the sense of me. Not a containment or withdrawal. That edge is rendered porous, representation collapses. That edge was much more soft. Only in the beyond, not disembodied, through felt experience. Comprised of other agencies.

That presence of the I, the I becomes a medium. Subjectivity not disappearing. It cannot be me who is perceiving. I perceive from this point, this I is not an ego-centric I. It becomes a medium. This me as a point in the world is not my focus of attention. I was not appearing. Subjectivity as ego-centric experience disappears. A non-egocentric use of subjectivity. A material presence, shaping. To keep the fundamental continuity. Not forcing language as a grasping tool. Abandoning this rigidity. Shaped by the feeling of the stone, this turning. Not referring to about-ness. A certain mobilization of the medium. In terms of becoming in touch. This threshold of rubbing up against habits of being. There is some kind of confrontation. There was something of a dropping in. Getting in touch with, contacting. Delineating proximity, constituting proximity. Somehow space appears - spaciousness.

This moment of becoming, this coming together. Expanding, endless. A zone with spatial thickness. The edge may have to shimmer. A kind of perceptual flashing. A lively lightness, a quality of lightness. That habit shapes my experience of the world. Not as solid as it seems to be, and it seems to be the most solid of things. A variety of interaction, coinciding. It stayed near but not going into. All this density. I almost cannot find any words.

Grounds. Grounding. Moving into. Actualizing. Thoughts. Allow. Hold back. Being. Softness. Digest. Release. Fluid. Softness. Couples. Immediateness. Choosing. Conditioned. Structure. Gentleness. Nahbereich. Aliveness. There is a coming alive in the moment that creates the conditions for thinking somehow. There is a somehow a fluidity. Different kinds of physical processes. I can allow myself to be there. A different kind of thoughtful thinking action, processes start and couple back. Then movement is happening, a kind of stretching out. Also in terms of what makes me move, it stimulates my curiosity. It is also a feeling of moving into things, it is a different kind of choosing. What seemed to emerge was this interplay between a sense of orientation and a sense of disorientation. Not so much to do with the interplay of orientation and disorientation but between the influence or pull of the environment and internal needs. These things on the surface of my eye calling me to move. The impulse to move, the impulse of curiosity, does not necessarily come from the matter of the body somehow. The impulse to move does not really come from movement. It is also a feeling of moving into things. A space of relaxation, this pulse of close and of mid range. To lower the eyes to the ground. It was this feeling of moving into things one after the other. A kind of yes/no quality in the practice. Highly present, highly sensory engagement but at the same time keeping it contained within a certain sphere of experience in a way. Something to do with the capacity of moving the body, or this capacity between movement and stillness. And the word is diving; the start of the start is the diving.


Happening. Forces. Emerge. Calling. Matters. Shapes. Support. Drawing. Continuity. Movement. Language. Movement. Contained. Conditioning one another. Consequence. But what does it allow. Movement, many movements, but foremost movement, like a shifting transforming, transforming on many levels. The micro-movements of the head following these figures. The indirectness of this kind of thinking. It happens again and again and again and it deepens, it helps, it happens. On light and on attention to the light. And continue, more than resonating there, resonate from there. The emergence of felt, rhythmical qualities that intrigue one another, so things start to swing with one another, begin to swing. This is a condition of a certain kind of thinking. This notion of the common is there, meaning the common freely interchanged. It is a common which is not at the beginning there, it is a common which is happening. That only exists when it happens, if it happens. The chronological aspect of cause and effect felt complicated, more like a web of relations. This sense of holding back, holding back in order to let something emerge, holding back something, withdrawal, holding back, withdrawal. The removal of something or the shifting of something that suddenly brings the background into the fore, or the periphery somehow into more focused attention.


Stillness. Sliding. Withdrawal. Mutual. Carried. Holding. Sliding. Resonating. Moves away. Common. Calling.  A coming together but not through association, this mutual emergence creating the conditions for the other. So starting with this very micro-movement, when something moved and to follow that. And the movement of the frame allows or even lubricates a more fluid sense of connections. There is a movement in continuity. This kind of shimmering on my retina. What supports or carries the thinking-doing – carried or taken or moved by a momentum that I am not fully in control of somehow. Reciprocity – this reciprocity of giving and receiving. Active – from actus. A doing, from the root *ag – to drive, draw out, force or move. Dive – to descend or plunge. At first, sometimes they seemed to touch each other or have some points of coincidence. This mutual emergence – each creating the conditions for the other. And continue, more than resonating there, resonate from there. An overwhelm of different calls or possibilities. Shifting, transforming – a kind of interweaving of emergence between the different parts. A coming together but not through association. The preconditions for exploring was establishing a sense of comfort. Something about coming back to this space of sensori-motor focus, that was within the Nahbereich actually, within that specific containment. It was almost like being held within a certain fluid atmosphere, allowing the distraction part of the environment to be sort of held back. Staying only to the thought that arose specific to that moment, and not pursuing it somehow – letting it come, letting it be. There is this liminal sense – almost an out-of-timeness in a way. Not being distracted by everything that is happening, but rather being contained or even protected from distractions. The indirectness of this kind of thinking. I noticed moments of disorientation. I appreciate this in between zones of being orientated and being disorientated. Up from under and carried over, there is something of a quality of support in the action that enabled a sense of thinking. This pulse of close and mid range – a different threshold. To lower the focus of the eyes to the ground. Beginning from the basis of establishing this condition of highly present, but not distracted. Entering into what, conditioning one another. Let reading rest as an activity.


Being held. Gentleness – something happened on the physical level of gentleness. It was almost like being held within a certain fluid atmosphere. Allowing the distraction part of the environment to be sort of held back. And then there is this moment when it happens, but still you question yourself on how to enter. It was a deep pleasure and this deep pleasure also allowed you to move on and maybe to let the diving happen.


Forms. Shimmering. Perceiving. Variation. Back. Disorientation. Dismissed. Constitute. Acceptance. Sphere. Belonging. Couples back. Exploring. Thoughtful thinking. Continuous moving. Sufficiently connected. Accepting what there is to move on. The disappearance of one thing. Ex-ploring.  An overwhelm of different calls or possibilities. This kind of shimmering on my retina. There is a coming alive in the moment that creates conditions for thinking – releasing and at the same time arising, a release into and something that is uprising. A kind of momentum between a grounding experience, a settling experience, and then some of the practices had an agitating quality, stirring in a sense really, a bit excitable. There is somehow a fluidity, the softness of the ground, this unevenness, this aliveness. Then coming back to a stiller sense. Gentleness – something happened on the physical level of gentleness. It produced or constituted a gentleness of being there, and also of joints articulating themselves differently. And a feeling of moving into things. It is a different kind of choosing. The excitement starts to happen when there are possibilities that are not yet actualized – then different processes start. The constitution of gentleness allowed the being there or the constitution of different directions that could continue after the gentleness. There was a feeling of moving into things one after another – a different kind of choosing, continuously moving. Accepting what there is to move on. A quality of reaching out in the key of perceiving or letting in. Receiving something. Move into. Calling. Connect. Tactile.


What do I allow to be? What do I allow to happen? What does it mean to hold back? To bring up from under and to carry over – this is a condition of a certain kind of thinking. Constitute – to enter into the formation as a necessary part. This just rightness of being sufficiently supported. There is somehow a fluidity in a textual space – a textorium really. This kind of thinking has a continuity which is sustained, so sustained by the highly sensitive, sensori-motor self or sensori-motor body and environment. Sitting, even lying. A coming together but not through association, more like a web of relations. There was somehow a range of physical movement that became more possible, that became very fluid. The line between these different modes was subtle.  The sense of mutuality complicates the idea of following. Reciprocity – this reciprocity of giving and receiving. To not intend, to unbind, untie, unfasten. To un-congeal, to un-freeze, to loosen or relax. Capacity. Collapse. Movement between. The removal of something or the shifting of something that suddenly brings the background into the fore.


What is the balance of the senses? It depends on the inclination of my head. I have to go down. To touch making a small movement. This constitution of the immediate sphere. Without needing to do an action in between. The transition into takes some time. The deficit of my habitual way of being. This threshold of rubbing up against habits. So much of that is automatic, the shock of habit. So much a hybrid of preplanning and automatic habits. The tuning in, the dropping into - it is a vertical register. The proximate edge, enclosing. The impulse to move. Getting stuck at the reach of the arm. Smell activated a different kind of stillness. A much less self conscious stillness. Not introspective, it stayed near but not going into. To stay where I am. How much is movement needed? Tiny shifts unfolding so many options. Not only realizing with the eyes but with the hands. Overwhelmed by all this density. The sounding of the breath extends the proximate. Adapting. Sounding. Where is the interest going? What do I follow and where does it come from? This attentional threshold, this immediate sphere. Not a categorical rejection of listening or hearing. Can you say it in other words? Listening, hearing, my memory is not without sounds. This sphere that I was trying to keep. Is this departing from direct experience? The eyes reaching or receiving. At the level of the organ of the ear. The felt sensation of sound. The reverberation. The immediate sphere has a spatial thickness - the density of this experience. Between rubbing the finger and the thumb.

Proximate. Mobilized. Naming. Fluctuate. Common. Eyes. Incorporate. Inhabit. Structure. Movement. Moving. Sliding. Choosing. Breeze. Enabled. Awareness. Reverberating. Shimmering. Withdrawal. Arise. Tendency. Periphery. Happening. Silent. Territory. Collapse. Expand. Attune. A kind of systematic attuning with one another. All these options of coming into. It is a common which is not at the beginning there, a common which is happening, but only exists if it happens, when it happens. Again, the flight of thought, a sense of noticing when it goes into thought – why does it have to go into thought, why can it not just stay with it? Beginning from the basis of establishing this condition of highly present but not distracted.


I had the feeling like it is common, but it is an unknown common. And the thinking coming by, conditioned by, and as a consequence of the action. This can be the result of self-centred, target-oriented, will-based action or/and can be the result of a distributed field of agencies. There is a variety of modes of interaction in the medium of language when we think like this. Interweaving of emergence between the different parts – a coming together, but not through association. The mutual emergence creating the conditions for the other. It stayed near but not going into. To lower the eyes to the ground.


Dive. Descend. Curious. Continue. Transform. Resonating. Fluctuate. Shimmering. Merging. Sound. Swing. Exploring. Diving. Starting. Localizing. Delineating. Tuning. Moving. Circling. Scent. Encounter. Transforming. To keep the fundamental continuity of the mode of doing and not to go into another rigidity, another functionality, another operability. How to enter, the question really, how to enter? How to enter into what? The question of touching, of the with. I wasn’t appearing. In an aesthetic experience there is a kind of paradox, which is not, but it seems to be a paradox – there is a heightened activation of subjectivity but subjectivity as egocentric experience disappears. The preconditions for exploring was establishing a sense of comfort.


What seemed to emerge was this interplay between a sense of orientation and a sense of disorientation. Actualizing – the excitement starts to happen when there are possibilities that are actualized. It is a different kind of choosing. There was this feeling of coming into things one after another, a different kind of choosing, continually moving. Accepting what there is to move on. The indirectness of this kind of thinking. Letting in or welcoming. A thinking that is to do with allowing thinking to be thought. The softness of the ground, this unevenness, the aliveness of the floor. All the processes of thinking, arise spontaneously out of something else, even out of nowhere. The chronological aspect of cause and affect felt complicated, more like a web of relations. Mutuality complicates the idea of following. Reciprocity – this reciprocity of giving and receiving. Up from under and carried over. This mutual emergence, each creating the conditions for the other.


The notion of the common is there, meaning the common, freely interchanged. The ‘call of’ drawing me – as I moved closer it moved away; as I reached towards it, it moves away. Something to do with trying to touch the limit of the shadow. Receiving. Consequence. Complicates. Light. Deepens. Not pursuing. Constitute. Floated. Relax. Unbind. Frame. And the quality of thinking that was coming from the action, never went off. Carried or taken or moved by a momentum that I am not fully in control of somehow. The removal of something or the shifting of something that suddenly brings the background into the fore. And it happens again and again and again, and it deepens, it helps to, it happens. And the circling around. There is this liminal sense – almost an out-of-time-ness in a way. Carried or taken or moved by a momentum that I am not fully in control of somehow. The gentleness, the gentleness allowed you to be, or allowed the constitution of gentleness, the constitution of gentleness allowed the being there, or the articulation of different directions that could continue afterwards, through the gentleness. There was this feeling of moving into things one after another.


Reciprocity – this reciprocity of giving and receiving. A kind of momentum between a grounding experience, a settling experience, and then some of the practices had an agitating feeling in a sense, stirring in a sense really, even a bit excitable. And then coming back to a stiller sense. Sometimes they seemed to touch each other, or to have some points of coincidence. Swing. Ground. Separate. Shaped. Belonging. Pleasure. Sensation. necessary. Paradox. Dimensions. Change. Bottom. Alter. Constitute. Transform. Focus. Non-intention. This I is not an egocentric I. It opens up, it becomes a medium for me to define this sphere, and for me, what is relevant in the act of perceiving, what is in my experience, is this sphere which needs me as a point in the world, to be defined. But this me as a point in the world is not my focus of attention. It is through me but I do not appear.


I could realize that the sounding of my breath would extend the proximate sphere or the moment. It kind of related to another dimension. The movement of attending to the movement of something else, somehow enabled the movement of the thinking and the speaking, and in the stillness there is a shift in tone. This relation between the moment where I receive something and the moment where I actively move into. What I allow to be? What do I allow to happen? What does it mean to hold back? What I was curious was whether the proximate sphere has to be activated in experience much more as a zone, with spatial thickness, to include more of the interior experiences of the body. But this zone might also fluctuate beyond the limits of the body’s proximate sphere.


It is getting stuck somewhere in my body. Something about coming back to this sense of sensori-motor focus, being held within a certain fluid atmosphere, allowing the distraction part of the environment to be sort of held back. Really a contradictory sense of feeling deeply connected to the environment – this liminal sense, almost an out-of-time-ness. The attempt to form words, since I know that this is coming, this is part of what we do, was already engrained in the exercise. So I can then hold on to it.


Up from under and carried over. There is something of a quality of support in the action which enables this sense of thinking – a duality between a sense of intense sensori-motor awareness and a high level of connection with the environment, and on the other hand avoiding the wider sphere of this environment. Skin. Sphere. Thing. Thinking. Structure. Untie. Sliding. Falling. Taken along. Grasping. Focus. Naming. Letting. Alternatives. Present. What is an aesthetic use of language? The indirectness of this kind of thinking. A thinking which is to do with allowing the thinking to be thought, or the process of thinking to arise spontaneously out of something else, even out of nowhere. What if when we move into the medium of language, what if we begin to actually think in the medium of language continuing doing the same. The realization of a tendency to reflect on practice arises – on light and on attention to the light. To bring the eyes down.


It is getting stuck somewhere in my body. I need the translation time. But it is like the stone, one focused condensed image, physical image that I had, so somehow it is going, the attempt to form words, since I know that this is coming, this is part of what we do, this was already engrained in the exercise, so then I can hold onto it. Like a mental note that I did during the exercise, when I understood that this is a moment that I can grasp. As there are all these nameless situations or moments that are not graspable yet and that need a different navigation in order to be communicated. It was really a physical sensation turning into an image - engrained in my skin. So they start to grow into the tree, or the tree incorporates the thing. I accepted it as being part of my structure. 


But maybe there is another way to refer to language, or to mobilize language in this situation? What is that? Something different than brings it into language, brings something into language – it is probably the experience. And this is different than to put into words, it is something different to forming words, I think it is something different than grasping or naming. There are alternatives to that - what is an aesthetic use of language? What if when we move to the medium of language, what if we begin to act within the medium of language, continuing doing the same? The question of touching, of the with. Bring it forth through or better with language. To bring it forth, continue to bring it to life, to continue experiencing, with language. Not forcing language to be a grasping tool. But a touching tool. 


We have embodied this rigidity, of abandoning the playfulness in order to reduce our movements and to talk and to write and to read. Begin to write - produce articulated signs, touching the stone. To keep the fundamental continuity of the mode of doing, and not to go into another, a rigidity, another functionality, another operability, because we enter, because we enter the medium of language. Language unfolding from that experience, in the same key or texture as that experience. This language-with, thinking-with, unfolding.


Shaped by the feeling of the stone. It felt a cognitive operation but not a linguistic operation. This experience was reverberating with some of the non-linguistic dimensions of cognition. There were two things in my encounter with the stone, one was, or might be, a kind of linguistic manifestation that comes from that first, that follows the impulse of the material encounter with the stone into language, rather than it being about grasping it, but the other, was more like that there were very particular insights that seemed to arise around, in a way, different species of cognition, that really came to the fore, through the encounter with the stone. Am I really thinking with the stone, or am I thinking about the stone? What it means to think with the stone.


I would like to make a distinction between aesthetic acting or aesthetic cognition and acting in a certain medium. So aesthetic acting or aesthetic thinking for me is defined by a way of acting, by a disposition, and this can be realized in whatever medium. The medium of course, changes the way we act. This aboutness - this is very easy to be realized in language. Whereas this withness mode might be easier in the medium of a touching body. This withness mode is also possible with language; with a certain mobilization of this medium, language. Poetry is a rather withness mode. Becoming in touch, or being in contact with, and I don’t think that this can be named as about. What if I let words arise out of the experience? 


This moment of finding - what can it tell me? As if being present right now here with you, interacting with the thoughts. What is this mouth and this tongue forming? The stone is so concrete, so materialized and so dense. What does it mean to feel the sound of thought while I talk and my breath? I want to play with that … thinking of, thinking, forming, breathing, embodying, the relation, my relation, touch, tongue, and then there is this. Stone. This mute quality of presence, a material physical presence. How does it shape my presence? It is somehow an engrained process. What did the stone make me be? 


Not now and not before, I was never looking at an object. Because you can listen to someone who is silent - to bring that attitude of listening to the stone as well. Listening to the muteness - and it was not silent.   


Spaciousness. The territory of the paper - the continuity of space or where is the space actually happening. Using this, the range of the sight already, to include or integrate the other what is there, but focusing, having the focus like a torchlight on one, but at the same time realising that there is the other, and this is coming together. How big it can expand? The space is there, and it is expanding. Space and spaciousness. Again wondering how this spaciousness comes, this feeling of spaciousness comes through relating to a perception of how things are together.


Things and how they are together, or how I perceive them as together, or not. So thinking about the process of them being made. But here there was something very much to do with letting go of a sense of the history of their production to really focus on an encounter with what is perceptually there. 


This kind of lively lightness, a quality of lightness. Again the flight of thought, a sense of when you notice it going into thought, does it really have to go into thought. Why can I not just stay with it? I am practicing one mode of engagement over another mode of engagement. Recognising what that habit does in terms of being open to the range of possibilities that experience brings. I am making a decision, I am making a decision to keep exiting one mode of encounter through preference of another mode of encounter.


So, there were two lines and there were two framed lines – these are two different things. How do you modify the frame implicitly? This correspondence between language and the eye.


Let words appear, without the intention of grasping something but rather creating, or reinforcing, or realizing an object of perception in language. Words, organized signs, organised graphic signs, sounds or images can be produced or emerge. They can be the result of self-centred, target-oriented, will-based actions or/and can be the result of a distributed field of agencies. There is a variety of modes of interaction in the media of language, if we think that.


How are my senses mobilized in order to constitute this sphere - this sphere is constituted through a certain mobilization of my senses. So they must find a kind of a systemative attuning with one another. So how do I mobilise my visual sense, my tactile sense, and how do I do this in moving. What I liked was immediate sphere. In terms of I can reach it, whatever it is, in this sphere, immediately, in terms of without taking, without needing to, to, to, make a connection in between. So it is like if I see something I have to go there, so there is something in between my intention and me achieving this goal. There is this threshold of rubbing up against habits of being in the world. My attentional threshold was at the limit the body but within the body, and not … it was self-contained.


An impulse to move. The smell suddenly activated a really different kind of stillness, a much less self-conscious stillness. My area of interest was much more close to my body but what was interesting was it was not introspective. So it stayed local to the body, very proximate to the body, but there was no tendency – which I can certainly have – to introspect. It stayed near, but not going into. Also sensing the movement already happening and by doing these really tiny shifts there were unfolding so many options so it was almost overwhelming to have all these options of coming into. I could realize that the sounding of my breath would extend the proximate sphere or the moment, it kind of related to another dimension.


The sound can be present but not in a reaching way. Something about the felt sensation of sound within the proximate sphere might still include sounds originating elsewhere but there is the registering of them, like the reverberation of them within the proximate sphere. The skin experience of the body felt important, or dominant, it did not feel important, it felt dominant. What I was curious about was whether the sense of the proximate sphere has to be activated in my own experience much more as a zone with spatial thickness to include more of the interior experiences of the body but might almost fluctuate beyond the limit of the body’s proximate sphere. 


What is the vibrating body, and where is the sound? This question seems to me absolutely relevant for the constitution of this sphere. Because this apparently clear distinction between senses of proximity or of distance is not so clear. The question would be what is the sound and what is the image? This transition between inner and outer because it is not about being internal closed-up but it is something that is starting to relate, or letting the relation happening, or letting the connection happening. 


What is this becoming aware of, coming connecting with, getting in touch with? What is this moment of happening where … where do I shift then, and where is the shift happening? 


This is a practice of localizing proximity or delineating proximity, constituting proximity. The constitution of this proximate sphere is a condition. It was something to do with the representational idea of the sphere somehow creating a sense of containment or withdrawal from the environment. That edge was rendered more porous, or where the representation collapsed. The scent of the blossom. This was within my proximate sphere but not what I might call ‘me’. A few moments in that experience where the edge was much more soft.


I think that acting aesthetically, the “I” becomes a medium. This ‘I’ is not an egocentric ‘I’ – it opens up, it becomes for me a medium to define this sphere, and for me, what is relevant in the act of perceiving, what is in my experience, is this sphere which needs me as a point in the world to be defined but this ‘me as a point in the world’ is not the focus of my attention but this sphere needs operatively this point in the world to exist. But it is not egocentric. I wasn’t appearing. In aesthetic experience there is a kind of this paradox, which is not, but it seems to be a paradox, that there is a hyper-activation of subjectivity, but subjectivity as egocentric experience disappears. Aesthetic action implies a non-egocentric use or mobilization of subjectivity. It is through me, but I do not appear.


A kind of momentum between a grounding experience, a settling experience, and then some of the practices had an agitating feeling in a sense, stirring in a sense really, even a bit excitable. Then coming back to a stiller sense. An excitement that happens on a very subtle, but very present in a way. Actualizing. The excitement starts to happen when there are possibilities that are actualized. Then different processes start.


It is really something that grounds in the same way. This relation between the moment to receive something and what is it, and the moment where I actively move into.,


I realize that there are different levels of thoughts that connect in a specific form or that show up in a specific form with different qualities, with a different pace. What do I allow to be? What do I allow to happen? Seeing this interweaving. What does it mean to hold back?


I need time to digest until it is transformed or integrated, the integration of information. There is somehow a fluidity in a textural space, a textorium really.


The softness of the ground - this unevenness, this aliveness of the floor. I was not taking a straight path. Between the relation between standing and moving the ground, and crouching and touching the floor with my hands. Sitting, even lying. There was somehow a range of physical movements that became more possible, that become very fluid, the line between these different modes was subtle. There is a coming alive in the moment that creates conditions for thinking somehow. Releasing and at the same time arising - a release into and something that is uprising.


Different kinds of physical processes, a different kind of thoughtful thinking action process starts and it couples back. That moment I let go, I continue with some movement and all of a sudden the immediateness of the sphere and some sensuous qualities that I dismissed when I was thinking about this specific question came back.


The sense of score as a set of rules. What comes in there is the question of at what level of the game does the score play? These conditions your habits and then you have to be able to inhabit the field of potentiality that the rules enable. Is it that it precedes action, or it is evolving through action, or even that it retrospectively gives a sense of structure to what has been? It is actually something that supports my being with the place. I can almost slip in between, I can allow myself to be there and explore further steps from there. 


Gentleness - something happened on the physical level of gentleness. It produced or constituted a gentleness of being there and also physically of joints, articulating themselves differently. It is also a feeling of moving into things. It is a different kind of choosing.


There is something of us being upright, topologically, we have our hands free - we can look into far away. So there was this process of acceptance in your realization of the Nahbereich. From there you could expand your attention into further or wider zones.


The gentleness, the gentleness allowed you to be, or allowed the constitution of the gentleness, the constitution of gentleness allowed the being there, or the articulation of, in different directions that could continue after, through the gentleness. There was this feeling of moving into things one after another. A different kind of choosing, continuously moving. Accepting what is there to move on. The disappearance of one thing - exploring: ex – out; and plorare, to weep, to cry. Gentleness. Which comes from gentilis – from the same family or clan; and from gene to give birth. So, yes. So to explore with gentleness could be an interesting combination. To crying.


I noticed moments of disorientation. I appreciate these inbetween zones of being orientated and being disorientated, there are movements happening, a kind of stretching out. Also in terms of what makes me move. It stimulates my curiosity. Maybe there is also a connection in feeling comfortable. There is something that reaches out. Either they are more reaching out areas, and others are more perceiving and, perceiving, the letting in or welcoming. 


The preconditions for exploring was establishing a sense of comfort. What seemed to emerge was this interplay between a sense of orientation and a sense of disorientation. And it seemed that it was in the movement between orientation and disorientation, that the movement of curiosity began to arise in a way. At times reaching further, at times feeling more proximate. There were parts of the body that felt as if they had more of a quality of reaching out towards a sense of external world if you like, and others which were more in the key of perceiving or letting in experience. Here not so much to do with the interplay of orientation and disorientation but between the influence or pull of the environment and internal needs. And the dynamic or the navigation or the negotiation that was happening between these forces. The word – com obviously comes from with, so it is Latin; and fortis coming from strong. 


An overwhelm of different calls or possibilities. The impulse to move, the impulse of curiosity does not necessarily come from the matter of the body somehow. The impulse to move does not really come from movement. Certain kinds of micro-movements or other kinds of movements facilitated my movements. This kind of shimmering on my retina. I noticed those floating shapes that you get on the surface of the eye – and I became interested in this as the proximate sphere, or as the edge of the body in a way. Using the impulse of the movement of these floating phenomenon on my eye to take me in certain directions. So starting with this very micro-movement as something moved to follow that. These things on the surface of my eye were calling me to move. And I think I was also moving in and out of the direct experience. Reflecting on the experience rather than being in the experience. 


The call of, drawing me. As I move closer it kept moving away and as I was trying to reach towards it, it moves away. Something to do with trying to touch the limit of the shadow, this was also producing movement. There is a movement that was emerging out of necessity through an investigation that wasn’t the movement. This sense of movement that emerges as a consequence of another investigation. The movement needs mediating in some kind of way through another. I was thinking about this in relation to lens-based practice and the frame. The micro-movements of your head following these figures. The realization of the tendency to reflect on the practice arises. On light and on attention to the light. Bring the eyes down. Then I realize I was actually already constituting the Nahbereich. And I knew in advance.


Space of relaxation in another space - this pulse of close and midrange. I allow myself, to be more tactile, to touch more the things, the matters, that belong, that appear. A different threshold. To lower the focus of the eyes to the ground.


You played with the rhythm, so even there is something about the intention and the non-intention. So, vary, variation – to transform, to change, to go astray. Change. Alter. Transform. Make different, bent or crooked. Constitute – to enter into the formation as a necessary part. From com- with and constituere "to cause to stand, set up”. Strange – unknown, not belonging, estranged, separate – from without, outside of. So, to bring up from under and to carry over. 


This is a condition of a certain kind of thinking. There was something to do with the qualities connected to aesthetic thinking, which is a relationship between being sufficiently connected to a certain degree of sensori-motor awareness but at the same time, and at the same time not distracted by the wider environment.This dual relationship between activating a certain level of sensitivity or sensibility, and at the same time knocking back the wider sense of awareness. A kind of yes/no quality in the practice. Highly present, highly sensory engagement but at the same time keeping it contained within a certain sphere of experience in a way. Something to do with the capacity to be moving the body, or this movement between movement and stillness.


There are moments when a kind of linguistic thinking was beginning to happen. Beginning from the basis of establishing this condition of highly present but not distracted. Something about coming back to this space of sensori-motor focus, but within the Nahbereich actually, within that specific containment. It was almost like being held within a certain fluid atmosphere - allowing the distraction part of the environment to be sort of held back. Really a contradictory sense of feeling deeply feeling connected to the environment.


There is this liminal sense, almost an out of timeness in a way. This just rightness of being sufficiently supported by the action. There is something about the indirectness of the thinking. The walking was the focus that enabled the thinking to arise or emerge out of it. And the quality of thinking that was coming from the action never went off. Staying only with the thought that arose specific to that moment and not pursuing it somehow – letting it come. Letting it be. And then I would go back to the walking and then something else might arise. The thinking coming out by, and conditioned by, and as a consequence of the action. The way that the walking provided a quality of stability - being connected to a sensori-motor experience.


Up from under and carried over. There is something of a quality of support in the action that enabled a sense of thinking. A duality between an intense connection, between sensori-motor awareness and high level of sensitivity with the environment and on the other hand avoiding the wider sphere of this environment. This is expressed as a way of saying not being distracted by everything that is happening, but rather being contained or even protected from distractions.


The indirectness of this kind of thinking. A thinking that is to do with allowing the thinking to be thought, or the process of thinking to arise spontaneously out of something else, even out of nowhere. The duality of reflecting on or about and thinking with. Aesthetic thinking might have to do with the reflection with or the thinking with and not the thinking or reflection on or about. This kind of thinking has a continuity, which is sustained, so sustained by this highly sensitive sensori-motor self or sensori-motor body and environment.


Ground – from the Old English grund "bottom; foundation; surface of the earth." Focus - "point of convergence"; focus "hearth, fireplace" (also, figuratively, "home, family").


And the word is diving.  I need some physical time in which I find the start for an exploration. The start of the start is the diving. There is this paradox of, of, of having this very clear word that came through practising, that was found through practising. Language comes. I can come back to in order not to get lost. How to enter, the question really how to enter? Entering into what? Conditioning one another. What it does is allow movement, many movements, but foremost movement, like a shifting, transforming, transforming on many levels. Let reading rest as an activity.


It happens again and again and again and it deepens. It helps to, it happens. And the circling around. And you had to prepare or to let this diving appear, slip into your own tuning. And then there is this moment when it happens but still you question yourself how to enter. it was a deep pleasure and this deep pleasure also allowed you to move on and maybe to let the diving happen as a result or in connection with this pleasure and forms of happiness or forms of openness. 


Active - from actus  "a doing", from the root *ag- "to drive, draw out or forth, move". Dive – to descend or plunge headfirst. Sometimes they seemed to touch each other, or to have some points of coincidence. This was a coincidence actually. And continue, more than resonating there, resonate from there. A merging of felt or even physical rhythmical qualities that intrigue one another - so things start to swing with one another, begin to swing. 


I am struck by the kind of interweaving of emergence between the different parts - a coming together, but not through association. This mutual emergence, each creating the conditions for the other. The chronological aspect of cause and effect, felt complicated, more like a web of relations. It occupies a third space or defines even a third space or a different type of sociating of things, that are maybe together but not shared. The sense of this mutuality complicates the idea of following, yes, mutual.


Reciprocity, this reciprocity of giving and receiving. This notion of the common is there, meaning the common, freely interchanged. It is a common which is not at the beginning there, a common which is happening, but only exists if it happens, when it happens. It is not a stable thing as such, so it is an affect, it is something not intended, not constructed. I had the feeling like it is common but it is an unknown common. Unknown. This sense of intending, the dual sense of having directed one’s attention to ... so intend, to direct one’s attention, literally to stretch out towards. Or, even not moving towards something. It is a kind of moving displacement shifts with a purpose or a goal or at least a horizon, so at least in this sense the commonalities we sensed were not intended. 


Again there is this quality of tightening or of making taut … exertion, yes, to over exert. To not intend, to unbind, untie, unfasten. To un-congeal, to unfreeze, to loosen, relax. Or collapse. The removal of something, or the shifting of something that suddenly brings the background into the fore. Or the periphery somehow into a more focused attention. I think here also this sense of holding back, holding back, in order to let something emerge, holding back something. Or withdrawal, holding back, withdrawal.


The movement of something, attending to the movement of something else, somehow enabling the movement of the thinking and the speaking and then in the stillness a shift in tone. And the movement in the frame allows or even lubricating a more fluid sense of connections between words and now in the stillness almost a sense of grasping for something, like no longer being carried by it, this sense of being carried by something a little, or supported by something, like a kind of thinking that is supported by something or carried by something or taken along in a way, no. What supports or carries the thinking-doing? 


Carried or taken or moved by a momentum that I am not fully in control of somehow. Like a breeze. There is a breeze in there. Floated. Sliding. Walking into sliding, or skating, or gliding. There is a movement into continuity. there is different types of engagement of the eyes, and how the eyes work, in relation to the common or the mutual or how that co-constitutes the common and mutual, that acts.