
'Different countries' rather than different times. Different cultures—probably a more adequate expression. A culture of the provisional, of providing just the necessary architectural means for what is needed in the moment of realizing the construction. Little means, probably. Just the sufficient for the necessary. The light happiness of making it possible. of being able to operate, to do it—whatever it was. 

No future plans. Not really. 'It is good for now', 'now we can move forward'. 'We': the ones who act, the ones who live, maybe, the ones who built. 

Confronted with a small-scale corporative power, a small industry. Building up on a sedimentary past. Continuing the work initiated by others—developing a tradition. A tradition the builder can refer to, a an point to, can make explicit and, maybe, can be proud of. I imagine a surname, or even two...

This will remain, probably. This will be considered worthy—a worthy counterpart for the very new, for the intended 'future'. Maybe because it was already pointing to a future, because it was part of the culture of those enjoying a surplus in the present that allows to look upwards and to the front, to a possible, thinkable, imaginable future—the luxury of detaching the eyes from what is here and now and always in danger, always unsteady, always threatened. 

The architecture of the always peremptory present will be erased because it is a stone in the shoes of feet running towards a future to come—to be capture, to be conquered. 

The small, 'poor', self-made and self-inhabited, has to disappear here in favor of a promised land of unaltered smiles, of power in power.


Different layers, more than two ore three, if I attend to 'details'—to smaller artifacts like traffic lights of street lamps.
