PD Check in #3

Mapping as a researh tool


Introduction (15 min.)

PD Check-in #3 - Workshop

Mapping ways of knowing


Research Question:

How can essayistics practices transform the interactions/relations between ways of knowing? 


Workshop : Essaying a topic - 45 min.

Start phase (5 min)

- Participants chose a topic/object (on...)

- Cluster topics/objects (2-3 participants)

Do phase (30 min. - 15 min per object/topic):

Note: Please think about how you want to capture these ways of knowing (essay).

  • How does (topic/object) sound?
  • How does (topic/object) feel?
  • How does (topic) look?
  • How does this (topic/object) move?  
  • How do I experience the(topic/object)?
  • How did I personally experience this (obect/topic) in the past? (anecdote)
  • How does the (topic/object) relate to references? (theoretical)
  • How does the (topic/object) relate to other concepts) 
  • Etc. Please add
 Share phase (10 min.):

PD Research maps:

Map: personal positioning (link)

Map: stakeholders (link)

Map: Ethics (link)

Map: On pitbulls (link)

Map: Essay characeristics - literature analyses (link)

Map: Essay characteristics - SAR SIG research Group: (link)

Practice research:

Hanze Hogeschool

Discourse lectures

Essayeren als colletieve performatieve praktijk (link)


SAR Forum 2024 

SIG Pedagogy Group - Artistic essaying

Essaying ways of knowing (link)


PD Check-in #3

Essaying ways of knowing (link)

Essaying - Mapping tool (link)




the right to forget (risk)

Masters of rietveld - Sandberg (book)

Theoretical research:

LKAC peer-reviewed article

Essaying as (colletive) proces

ELIA Advancing Artistic Research Supervision:

Mind Mapping supervision (link)

Mapping ethics (link)


Mapping methods (method Library):

Desktop system mapping (link)

Mapping journeys (link)

Mapping Systems (link)

Future state journey mapping (link)

Future state network mapping (link)

Collective research:

SIG Pedagogy Group - Artistic essaying (link)