-This is the Proposal of:

Julia Jade Isabella Flora and Lars


- We chose 90s Fashion and going to research about Layering and skirt over Pants.


-What is the “bigger picture” you want to address in relation to this topic?

The layering trend came back and can be used for many ways. Using layers is also used in different cultures.

For example women that wear a hijab. Women dressing modesty by using layers don't get the same recognition as someone that uses it in a trendy way. We would like to put focus on this in the research.


-What do you intend to research on?

  • We want to get different perspectives on the 90’s trend, why this trend returned and where it originated from
  • We want to gain a deeper understanding of how the past ‘90s trends come into different trends nowadays and how many varieties of one trend there are. We would also like to get a deeper understanding of how revolutionary and important this trend from the 90s was back then and what it may have caused (idk masses doing the same things, everyone layering). I would also like to get a deeper understating as to what or who made this trend trendy (Nirvana, Kurt Cobain?) and how it affected them.
  • We want to research about how the economic and political contexts might have pushed fashion into this direction. Or how it influenced certain groups to wear it. We also would like to research if there were some famous examples like musicians who influenced the mainstream to go in this direction.
  • We also want too find out if there were certain pop cultures where the trend was hugely popular.


-Who is responsible for finding out what information?

Jade                    = Comeback of the style         

Lars                     = Economical and political influence on the certain Trend

Isabella               = The different styles in using layers - hijab

Julia                    =Pop culture Research

Flora                   =Origin of the Trend


-What do you want your viewer to learn from looking at your exhibition page?

We want that our viewer learns about the origin of the trend. Furthermore we want to show how outer influences(like economics or political contexts may have pushed fashion in that aesthetic and why the trend keeps coming back. In addition we want to show some examples of Popular People who may have boost certain trend and give with that a insight in the pop culture where the trend was worn. And show who’s wearing it nowadays and maybe show how the group has changed. We want to educate the viewer to reflect better on the trend and its impact and influence on today’s trendy wardrobe.


-How do you intend to achieve this for your viewer? How do you intend to get information?

  • Research on TV Documentaries
  • Watch out for Pop Culture who where known for the Layer trend.
  • Research on the internet
  • Find Books about fashion in that certain time period and books about pop cultures who where known for wearing it



Work of Lars:

open here


Work of Isabella:

open here