May 21, walked along Viking Trail/Pilgrimage trail to explore spaces of anticipation. Trail selected as we had not walked it priorly. Artists selected due to their connection to exploring the relation between art and meditative walking approaches with the group in focus. The interventions along the way made the 8 k walk take 4 hours. Link above is to full documentation of the walk.

Instigator: Anna Viola Hallberg

Invited Lead walkers: Ami Skånberg, Juanma Gonzalez, John Schuerman.


BERG DUO Waiting for the very first artists at the bus stop




WAP is a process-based program, where we delve into each others’ knowledges and things we encounter with-in artistic research of methodologies in serach of spaces of anticipation. Artists lived and work together and side by side during 2024. The Program is divided in to three editions: June, September and Session (the rest of the year). It unfolds both as public programs and  share sessions for participating artists. 


WAP is about exploring and sharing strategies on proximity through artistic expressions in the field of  walking practices through the configuration of a transformative, dynamic space for art, engaging with life and nature. Critical and poetic explorations, influenced by the immediate surroundings - wayfinding 


WAP24 June edition co-curator John Schuerman (us) 

WAP24 September edition co-curator: Antonia Aitken (au) 

WAP24 Solo, walkers in other timeframes attending program but as solo walkers.


The walking scene in Sweden is in the forming or resurfacing. The purpose with this process-based program hosts (inter)national artists to further this development together with a core-group connected to Björkö Konstnod/BKN. WAP methodology of fieldworks and share sessions are carried out to locate and entangle structures, narratives and forces via the intersection of the arts and walking. Artistic research on Spaces of Anticipation through walking as practice unfolds with WAP24.


The hosting context is BKN/Björkö Konstnod a artist residency on Björkö. The venue for the first two years is a rural art node called BKN in the Northern Stockholm Archipelago, Sweden. 

Berg Duo made a walk score for the exhibition "Sky is Moving Sideways", London Sept 1-9 >>>


During The World Congress of Philosophy in Rome to co-present Black Market Truths: Grief, Passion and Madness >>>
A select group participate August 1 in "The Centennial Walk" >>>

For 6 days in July they walked the Kumano Kodo, in Japan as part of the sequence "Bouyancy. Where they combine lens and embodied practices.








For WAP24 they appointed John Schuerman Co-curator for WAP24 JUNE EDITION and Antonia Aitken Co-curator for WAP 24 SEPTEMBER EDITION. For both they are contributing with Public Program walks and Share Sessions. 





Exposition at Research Catalogue/WAP23

exploring Attentative Walking >>>


Exposition at Research Catalogue/WAP24 
exploring Spaces of Anticipation >>>




As we work together we do it under BERG DUO (HallBERG and SkånBERG). During May and June part of our work is to focus on bringing forward new materail for two other contexts  Onebywalking and a working group under Performance Philosophers. But we are alos in the last processes of planning for our Field Trip to Japan. Ami Skånberg is set out to meet with Tokyo University and to hold classes at Meji University. In the middle of July we are walking  Kumano Kodo. During the journey we are also developing a  new screendance related project.  During  the first week in August we attend The World Conference on Philosophy together with our working group Performance Philosophers. For WAP24 SEPTEMBER edition we are back at BKN walking to unfold "Spaces of Anticipation"



exposition to be developed by artist/co-curator, June

Ami Skånberg

During June/September Editions of WAP24, I will make public walks as suriashi in addition to participating in share sessions with the artist. Together with Anna Viola I will also produce texts and other documentation. My artistic practice is anchored in dance.

Anna Viola Hallberg

During June/September Editions of WAP24, I have taken up on my self to organize a number of public walks where WAP artists are asked to join with elaborations on what Spaces of Anticipation can possibly entail. The detanglement I will later put forward. I coordinate and develop RC for the program. Parallell to this I co-host the share sessions and public programs. My work with WAP coincides with my position as curator for BKN delivering back to the local community. Together with Ami I will also produce texts and other documentation. My artistic practice is ancored in video.