Arba Bekteshi is a walking artist and urban anthropologist. She works on projects falling between the artistic and anthropologic spectra, - focusing on mediations of changing urban landscapes, negotiations of public and private spaces, citizen agency, as well as understandings of immanence in documentary film. Bekteshi uses psychogeography, cartographic mapping and multimodal and sensory ethnography to think with the various components of the city. Her walking art and individual and group psychogeographical walks are performative enactments of spatio-temporal narratives only as far as them being co-creative becomings. In the same co-creative milieu, the schizocartographies she draws reveal invisible histories as she acts in dialogue with vernacular ecologies. Engaging with spatial justice issues, means she operates with practices of radical care in a thick present that embraces multi-species, multiracial, multi-kinded life. Bekteshi holds an M.A. in Anthropology of Development and Social Transformation from the University of Sussex, UK, a Masters in International Communication from IULM University, IT and an M.Sc. in Archaeology from the University of Tirana, AL. She has been teaching at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tirana since 2004.