Step 2: Info

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con·di·tion (kən-dĭ-shən)



a. A mode or state of being: We bought a used boat in excellent condition. See Synonyms at state.

b. conditions Existing circumstances: Economic conditions have improved. The news reported the latest weather conditions.

c. Archaic Social position; rank.


a. A state of health: Has the patient's condition deteriorated?

b. A state of physical fitness: Have you exercised enough to get back into condition?

c. A disease or physical ailment: a heart condition.


a. One that is indispensable to the appearance or occurrence of another; a prerequisite: Compatibility is a condition of a successful marriage.

b. One that restricts or modifies another; a qualification: I'll make you a promise but with one condition.


a. Grammar The dependent clause of a conditional sentence; protasis.

b. Logic A proposition on which another proposition depends; the antecedent of a conditional proposition.

5. Law

a. A provision making the effect of a legal instrument contingent on the occurrence of an uncertain future event.

b. The event itself.


tr.v. con·di·tioned, con·di·tion·ing, con·di·tions


a. To make dependent on a condition or conditions: Use of the cabin is conditioned on your keeping it clean.

b. To stipulate as a condition: "He only conditioned that the marriage should not take place before his return" (Jane Austen).


a. To cause to be in a certain condition; shape or influence: "Our modern conceptions of historiography [are] conditioned by Western intellectual traditions" (Carol Meyers).

b. To accustom (oneself or another) to something; adapt: had to condition herself to long hours of hard work; conditioned the troops to marches at high altitudes.

c. To render fit for work or use: spent weeks conditioning the old car.

d. To improve the physical fitness of (the body, for example), as through repeated sessions of strenuous physical activity.

e. Psychology To cause (an organism) to respond in a specific manner to a conditioned stimulus in the absence of an unconditioned stimulus.

3. To treat (the air in a room, for example) by air-conditioning.

4. To replace moisture or oils in (hair, for example) by use of a therapeutic product.

[Middle English condicioun, from Old French condicion, from Late Latin conditiō, conditiōn-, alteration of Latin condiciō, from condīcere, to agree : com-, com- + dīcere, to talk; see deik- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.]


The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2017 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Our goals in this exposition:


This exposition is one research event in our artistic research project. We invite you to do the research with us. Please see below for some info about our research project.


There are two main goals of this exposition.


One goal is to explore the conditions of sharing of our research process in relation to the conditions of sharing offered to us by Ruukku 8's editors and other conditons "out there". These are questions of practices and practice architectures. These are offers to create a critical social artistic project about performative well-being.


Another goal is to perform one research method of our research process to and with you, the audience, and ask you to perform about it back to us, another audience, in the context of the above exploration of the conditions of sharing. We would like to do this in order to:


1) provoke insights into ourselves (that is, all of us), our actions, and our work in terms of performative well-being as a practice (practices) and as constrained and enabled by various practice architectures,

2) notice if any insights take place, and if so, remark on them,

3) provoke transformations in ourselves and our work in terms of the practices and practice architectures of performative well-being,

4) notice if any transformations take place, and if so, remark on them.

5) understand this process of creating a critical social artistic project about performative well-being.


The research method we will perform for you is called (Inter)acting with the Inner Partner (IwIP) [1]

[1] (Inter)acting with the Inner Partner (IwIP) – also known as Acting with the Inner Partner - is a movement and action-based solo improvisational practice. You can read a little something about it if you go to Step 3.

Title of our research project:


Performative Well-Being: Performance, Insights, Transformations


Performative well-being is new critical term. I am currently researching its practices and practice architectures, and developing a pragmatic artistic pedagogical-research methodology for its critical study, research, and transformation. I am persuing this project at the Performing Arts Research Center (Tutke) at the University of Arts Helsinki with student co-researchers. This project is funded by a year-long postdoctoral research grant by the Finnish Cultural Foundation.


The conditions through which we share and practice our research of performative well-being is an important issue in our work. 


Our research objectives are:


1) to generate critical insights into practices of performative well-being as well as the practice architectures that constrain and enable these practices, and to transform these practices and practice architectures so they are more just, reasonable, and regenerative.


2) to develop original questions and practices for researching, studying and cultivating performative well-being and its practice architectures.


3) to gain insight into if and how performative well-being is, and cultivates, performative fitness and performative power in individual, group, collective and earlthly contexts.



Our primary research questions are:


1) Which practices of performative well-being can we identify as significant in the way they influence our art and life? What are the virtues, capacities, qualities, and dynamics of these practices of performative well-being?


2) Which practice architectures enable and constrain practices of performative well-being, how do they do so, and how should they be transformed so they are more just, reasonable, and regenerative?


3) How do performative fitness and performative power play in the practices of performative well-being?


4) What are (Inter)acting with the Inner Partner’s (IwIP) strengths and deficits as a practice of performative well-being and what are its strengths and deficits as a method of researching and generating performative well-being?


5) How could a reconfigured IwIP, or its descendent, in combination with other pedagogical and research methods and strategies generate new practices of performative well-being, transform existing practices of performative well-being as well as the practice architectures that enable or constrain them so these are more just, reasonable, and regenerative?


6) How can artistic and arts-based practices focused primarily on individual performative well-being, like IwIP, be transformed in order to focus on the study, research of social, collectively, and earthly performative well-being?





Title of our exposition:

Performative Well-Being: Conditions of Sharing

share 1(shâr)


1. A part or portion belonging to, distributed to, contributed by, or owed by a person or group: The pirates argued over their shares of the treasure.

2. An equitable portion: do one's share of the work.


a. One of the equal parts into which the capital stock of a company is divided: bought 200 shares of the company's stock.

b. A unit of ownership in a mutual fund or other investment vehicle: bought two shares in a mutual fund.

c. shares Chiefly British Stocks: European shares jumped two percent. The fund invests half the money in bonds and half in shares.

v. shared, shar·ing, shares


a. To accord a share in (something) to another or others: shared her chocolate bar with a friend.

b. To divide and parcel out in shares; apportion: shared the estate among his heirs.


a. To participate in, use, enjoy, or experience jointly or in turns: share a responsibility; share a room.

b. To hold or have jointly with another or others: She shares my view about the election.

3. To relate (a secret or experience, for example) to another or others.

4. Computers To make (a digital file) accessible to other users on a network, as for copying and downloading.


1. To have a share or part: shared in the profits.

2. To allow someone to use or enjoy something that one possesses: Being in daycare taught the child to share.

3. To use or enjoy something jointly or in turns: There is only one computer, so we will have to share.

4. To talk about personal experiences or feelings with others.


go shares

To be concerned or partake equally or jointly, as in a business venture.

[Middle English, from Old English scearu, division; see sker-1 in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.]

sharea·ble, shara·ble adj.

sharer n.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2017 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.