Tim Ingold (2011), "Being Alive: Essays on Movement, Knowledge and Description".

Generominos: Creative ideation cards for generative frameworks

"… to move, to know, and to describe are not separate operations that follow one another in series, but rather parallel facets of the same process – that of life itself." (p. xii)

dwelling, as opposed to Heidegger and more in line with Merleau-Ponty: "not to be in place but to be along paths." (habitation) (p. 12)

"For the most part … humans have not so much stridden across the surfaces of the earth as picked their way with bare, sandaled or moccasined feet. It is in these dextrous movements along paths of life and travel … and not in the processing of data collected from multiple sites of observation, that inhabitants’ knowledge is forged. Thus locomotion and cognition are inseparable, and an account of the mind must be as much concerned with the work of the feet as with that of the head and hands." (p. 17)

Nigel Thrift (2008), "Non-Representational Theory. Space | politics | affect". Chapter 5: 5 Movement-space. The changing domain of thinking resulting from the development of new kinds of spatial awareness

"In turn, the technology of address produced genuine locatability in an absolute space and, with it, the possibility of making calculations which had been difficult or long-winded before. In particular, objects could be followed from location to location as a continuous series of simulating movement in a way that was, for all intents and purposes, indistinguishable from movement itself." (p. 95)

{hhr, 22-feb-2018}

unfortunately, his tone is full of anti-intellectual and anti-academic sentiment.

Henri Lefebvre - Rhythmanalysis: Space, Time and Everyday Life (orig. 1992)

"Opacity and horizons, obstacles and perspectives implicate one another because they complicate one another, imbricate one another to the point of allowing the Unknown, the giant city, to be glimpsed or guessed at. With its diverse spaces affected by diverse times:
rhythms." (p. 33)


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artwork: Meanderings
