After the new government in Germany, today in 2022, it became the West-Germany centred again.
Strongly, after the Russian Military invasion of Ukraine.
Now, even if Brasile, it will maybe normalized again, after the presidential election.
This artistic research in the theoretical exploring refers to the artistic research „From multi-foldness to manifoldness - on natural space“.
Extra Page: Kapital and ethics in terms of Cassirer in the philosophy for the contemplation of the possibility of the new art (forms) in the 21st century.
There is in Germany "Social democratic in Marxism-Leinism" even today.
Leninism is the political theory for the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat, led by a revolutionary vanguard party, as the political prelude to the establishment of socialism. The function of the Leninist vanguard party is to provide the working classes with the political consciousness (education and organisation) and revolutionary leadership necessary to depose capitalism in the Russian Empire (1721–1917).[1] Leninist revolutionary leadership is based upon The Communist Manifesto (1848) identifying the communist party as "the most advanced and resolute section of the working class parties of every country; that section which pushes forward all others." As the vanguard party, the Bolsheviks viewed history through the theoretical framework of dialectical materialism, which sanctioned political commitment to the successful overthrow of capitalism, and then to instituting socialism; and, as the revolutionary national government, to realize the socio-economic transition by all means.[2]
Marxism–Leninism is a political philosophy that seeks to establish a socialist state to develop further into socialismand eventually communism, a classless social system with common ownership of the means of production and with full social and economic equality of all members of society. Marxist–Leninists espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of orthodox Marxism and Leninism, but they generally support the idea of a vanguard party, a communist party-led state, state-dominance over the economy,[1] internationalism and opposition to capitalism, fascism, imperialism and liberal democracy. As an ideology, it was developed by Joseph Stalin in the late 1920s based on his understanding and synthesis of both orthodox Marxism and Leninism.[2] It was the official state ideology of the Soviet Union and the other ruling parties making up the Eastern Bloc as well as the political parties of the Communist International after Bolshevisation.[3] Today, Marxism–Leninism is the ideology of Stalinistand Maoist political parties around the world and remains the official ideology of the ruling parties of China, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam.[4].
If the world's 7,713,468,000 people use and dispose of 100 plastic bottles a year, how much will they produce and consume each year? 7,713,468,000 (World Population) x per year 100 pet bottle (consume) = 771,346,800,000 (product and waste)
In fact, one person uses the same number of PET bottles a year and does not dispose of them, and some people collect and reuse PET bottles, while others keep them. The number 771,346,800,000 (product and waste) is just a symbolic. Nevertheless, from its only symbolic figures, it can be assumed that production, consumption and waste quantities are astronomical. So what do producers think about that number?
Water is essential for consumers.
Idea 1: Rather than selling water in bottles, each person owns his own bottle and buys the water in the bottle. Changing the production and use of bottles will dramatically or completely change the system around the world, not only from production but also from transport to disposal. Maybe it's a big problem, so I feel like it's always going to be this way due to the global economical system. At present, most countries in the world, I think that the water is sold in bottles. One of the problems is groundwater pollution. I think there are many areas that cannot be used as drinking water. Then you have to transport the water. When you transport in water, there is the cost of the production, the shipping and the wages.
I works and lives in the social democratic system of the capitalism of western countries (such as EU generell social democratic system, UK, Canada, USA, Swiss, Norway, Japan, South Korea, Australia, ...).
-> Mass or Volume as 'Capital' of the one (military) party-State that is the privileged society.
After 1990 together with the free market global economy -> Mass production and Mass consume.
Full social and economic equality of all members of society that means full of control by the government. e.g. the patient in China has to pay for the medical examination by him/herself and it costs expensive. There is no private capital idea.
- Mehr Einkomme höher versteuere Summe/More income, higher taxable amount
- Mehr intellktuelle Arbeit/More intelligent work (All the brachnes in Industry, agriculture, IT, education, medicine and health, culture, etc)
- Roboter für einfache Arbeit/Robots for simple work
Idea of Social democratic in the capitalism
(It needs for the long time distance. e.g. for 4–5, 8–10 years long and poeple (a person) will be never urtra rich or urtra poor.)
- geistiges Kapital: Summe dessen, was ein Mensch oder ein Unternehmen weiß, wie man sein Wissen einsetzt und wie schnell man neues Wissen erwirbt.
- menschliches Kapital: zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen.
- strukturelles Kapital: die gesamten Systeme, Verfahren und Strategien, die durch Erfahrung entstanden sind.
Positive Nettoinvestitionen führen stets zu einer Vergrößerung des Realkapitals, während negative Nettoinvestitionen zu dessen Verminderung beitragen.[1]
From multi-foldness to manifoldness - on natural space: I deal with the subject of “objectivity and subjectivity” under the theme of “love” in an artistic research. The main theme is “space and time”, focusing on the respective economic and social dimensions as an object (entity) and the subjectivity of the respective person as well as memory, feeling and emotion in relation to “love”. The research question is: “Does the crisis of mankind relate to genetic anomalies or is it based on the idea of space and time of our perception?” This artistic process is perceived with the working method of “work in progress”, whereby the artistic examination takes place with auditory and visual media in a spatial concept for a new assemblage method. The thesis “Raum und Zeit (Space and Time)”, Das Erkenntnisproblem in der Philosophie und Wissenschaft der neueren Zeit by Ernst Cassirer is particularly important and forms the starting point of this project. “Manifoldness of love as an assemblage” is a necessary continuation of the theory and practice in the artistic creation process of my artistic research “From threefoldness to multi-foldness” and its artistic implementation. It is important in connection with the later point in time of representation to deeply reflect on the topic at the doctoral level and structure it sensitively.
Why capital and ethics are the subjects in this reseach?
- Economy in the 21st century that is important to relfect anthropologically,
such as Human right, Rassisms, Sexisms, Discirimination, Fairness, etc.
It makes us the lifestyle as well as mentality in which terms of (im-) materiality, that is a part or the foundation of the culture.
<- I wrote this text.
This type of mathematical, philosophical and ethical questions for solving of problems, which the subjects are until the Junior High School (7-9 class) - The compulsory education.
Marxian economics distinguishes between different forms of capital:
- constant capital, which refers to capital goods
- variable capital, which refers to labor-inputs, where the cost is "variable" based on the amount of wages and salaries are paid throughout the duration of an employee's contract/employment,
- fictitious capital, which refers to intangible representations or abstractions of physical capital, such as stocks, bonds and securities (or "tradable paper claims to wealth")
Autarky is the characteristic of self-sufficiency; the term usually applies to political states, societies or to their economic systems. Autarky exists whenever an entity survives or continues its activities without external assistance or international trade. If a self-sufficient economy also refuses to conduct any trade with the outside world then economists may term it a "closed economy".[1] (Economic theorists also use the term "closed economy" technically as an abstraction to allow consideration of a single economy without taking foreign trade into account – i.e. as the antonym of "open economy".) Autarky in the political sense is not necessarily an exclusively economic phenomenon; for example, a military autarky would be a state that could defend itself without help from another country, or could manufacture all of its weapons without any imports from the outside world.
Artistic Research: Radio Project (On communication) ->
This is no a graph, but rather this is a process to understand about 'private' in the society. The product in Marxism and Leninism is/was only on the national level, but there is/was underground.