Potter's emulations of Bishop: Home, Sweet Home sung by Melba (1905), Patti (1905) and Galli-Curci (1917)

Melba (1905)


Patti (1905)


Soldat: Spohr’s Violin Concerto No. 9: Adagio (1920)


Soldat: Schumann’s Abendlied (1920)

Chapter 4: Appendix 4.3

Tempo graphs of each main recording analysed

Note that for each tempo graph, the x axis (horizontal axis) represents the recording length over time and the y axis (vertical axis) represents the time in seconds between each beat. The white lines in the tempo graph show the changes in time between beats over the whole piece.

Sarah Potter's emulations of Mozart: Voi, che sapete sung by Patti (1905) and Melba (1907 and 1910)

Patti (1905)


Melba (1907)


Melba (1910)


Galli-Curci (1917)


Potter's emulations of Mozart: Batti, batti sung by Patti (1904) and Sembrich (1904)

Patti (1904)


Sembrich (1904)


Schubert: Am Meer sung by Walter (1904)



Joachim: Brahms’s Hungarian Dance No. 1 (1903)


Joachim: Joachim’s Romanze in C (1903)


Auer: Tchaikovsky’s Melodie (1920)


Hall: Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto: movement 3 (1905)


Heermann: Ernst’s Nocturne in E (c1910)