
A question: How can we create a new word

in the context of evolutionary linguistics, 

whit a possibility of growing

in the regional culture context?

1. Julius Schönherr and Evan Westra, Beyond ‘Interaction’: How to Understand Social Effects on Social Cognition (Brit. J. Phil. Sci. 70, 2019) 27–52

2. Thomas Fuchs and Hanne De Jaegher, Enactive intersubjectivity: Participatory sense-makingand mutual incorporation (Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 8(4), 2009) 465–486

3. Thomas Fuchs, Criticism of neurobiological reductionism“Ecology of The Brain: The Phenomenology and Biology of the Embodied Mind”, Oxford: OUP, 2018, pp. 3–105 

4. Ibid., 1

Artistic research on interaction: “An ‘autonomous system’ is further defined as a ‘network of co-dependent, precarious processes able to sustain itself and define an identity as a selfdetermined system’ (De Jaegher et al. [2010], p. 441). The set of autonomous systems, on this definition, includes most biological life-forms—from singlecelled organisms to human beings—and also socially constructed entities like corporations and nations. In the context of social cognition, the relevant class of autonomous systems is restricted to autonomous agents. ‘Coupling’ occurs when one autonomous system causally impacts the functioning of another. Coupling is said to be ‘regulated’ when this causal impact is in some way controlled by that system; and it is said to be ‘co-regulated’ when two or more autonomous systems are controlling how they causally impact one another. Genuine social interactions, on this view, occur when this co-regulated coupling results in the creation of a new autonomous system while still preserving the autonomy of the co-regulators. Lastly, this emerging interactive system is required to be temporally extended enough to take on ‘autonomy’ of its own.”1  This paragraph is from the research by Julius Schönherr and Evan Westra “Beyond ‘Interaction’: How to Understand Social Effects on Social Cognition” in chapter 2 “Defining ‘Interaction.” I deal with the subject of autonomous systems and their interaction in the third part of my artistic research on the spatial installation. In doing so, I focus on Hanne De Jaegher’s research on “intersubjectivity”and this research of Schönherr and Westra, whose research I investigate in my artistic research. In particular, I take on the challenge of drafting an idea of “co-existence” for the third part of this artistic research from the perspective of neuroscience in which research regards the research of Fuchs, e.g. current concepts of embodied and enactive cognition (Varela et al. 1991, O'Regan & Noe 2001, Thompson 2005, 2007, and others).3 This is a starting point of a draft for “co-existence” in which state is a kind of interaction with different realities in a space. 

According to Schönherr and Westra, “The most influential definition of ‘social interaction’ comes from De Jaegher et al. ([2010], p. 441): De Jaegher Interaction: Two or more autonomous agents co-regulating their coupling with the effect that their autonomy is not destroyed and their relational dynamics acquire an autonomy of their own.”4 For that matter, I can imagine an exciting social connection that is in a state of counteraction (counteract) as a result of the interaction and positive intention (for an interaction it needs a certain cognitive and/or objective distance), but I have questions here about autonomy in relation to interaction. For this question, I investigate in the research by Fuchs.




->Artistic research part 1: N.N-Zwischenliegend-Random deviation or random error

Refer to - Artistic research part 3: N.N-Zwischenliegend–Intermediality on time, space and body, Zwischenliegend  (Gestaltung/design) (working title) ->