La Basse de Violon
author(s): Blanca Leticia Martín Muñoz
published in: KC Research Portal
About this exposition
Nowadays we can find a vast amount of information about the history of the cello. But do we know anything of its larger ancestor? What was its purpose in the music scene in France in the 17th century? And why did it disappear?
Little attention has been paid to the basse de violon, an instrument of great importance before the arrival of the cello.
In my presentation, I will discuss these questions as well as other matters that concern the basse de violon, starting with what is it, going through its development, its role as a solo instrument, and as the bass of the ensembles, and finishing with the reasons for its decay and ultimately complete disappearance in France.
Also, as part of my artistic presentation, I will base my conclusions by using videos of my experimentations on a surviving basse de violon from 1715 and a cello from the 19th century.
Eclatante Amarante. A portait of the French Singer Anne Chabanceau de La Barre (1628-1688)
(last edited: 2024)
author(s): Elisabeth Laasonen Belgrano
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
A journey through the language of passions inspired by the life of the French soprano Anne Chabanceau de La Barre (1628-1688). Highlighting her career in Paris, but also her sojourn at the court of Queen Christina of Sweden (1653-1654), it features her repertory from the Kings chamber, the 'ballets de our' and the 'salons'. Shifting from music to poetry to narration, the project explores how Mlle de La Barre and other female performers in the seventeenth century moved their listeners by expressing the affects through the mirror of the soul - the voice. Music by M. Lambert, S. Le Camus, A-M-. Bartlett, C. Huyghens, P. Chabanceau de La Barre, J. Chabanceau de La Barre, J.-B. Lully & L. Rossi.
Elisabeth Belgrano, voice
Lucas Harris, theorb, lute
Carlene Strober, viola da gamba
Jennifer Ellis, voice
℗© 2004 Elisabeth Belgrano