Site-integrity: a dynamic exchange between site, artist, device and audience
author(s): JULIE MARSH
published in: Journal for Artistic Research
Site-integrity is a proposal for a working methodology - a particular but original mode of site-specific practice that potentiates a dynamic exchange between site, artist, device and audience. Non-haptic, non-temporal ways of representing place have come to dominate contemporary practice. When site is reduced to representation, the experiential qualities are lost. Site-integrity repositions the act of representation from its retrospective or projective dimensions towards that which is performed and is experiential. This exposition presents three specific projects; Assembly, Moving site/sight and Screen space that explore temporal relations with space and place via motorised recording/display devices. These projects are examples of artistic devices that contributes (not exclusively) to a specific practice - site-integrity.
Trigger Place - A Game of Sound and Architecture
author(s): Matilde Meireles, Diogo Alvim
published in: Journal for Artistic Research
"Play" was a project developed by Matilde Meireles and Diogo Alvim with the participation of experimental filmmaker Richard O'Sullivan. This multilayered performance was specially conceived for the annex of the Physical Education Centre at Queen's University Belfast, a building composed of several squash courts and an audience area. The project encompassed live music (a brass ensemble), electronics, video projections, and a live squash game, all affecting the perception of the site.
This building became the main character of an immersive acoustic experience, where a game of squash was the starting point to explore ideas about architecture and place through sound. The squash courts were subject to acoustic processes extrapolated from two of Alvin Lucier's most important works—"Vespers" and "I am sitting in room". Also the floor markings were manipulated, as a reference to Edward Krasinski's obsession with a never-ending line. These extended beyond the performance space to reveal unexpected connections.