A brief proposition toward a sonic geo-politics: Rajarhat New Town
author(s): Anja Kanngieser
published in: Journal of Sonic Studies
This paper explores some of the acoustic landscapes of Rajarhat New Town, a satellite city and special economic zone (SEZ) in West Bengal, Kolkata. Establishing these landscapes in their physical and economic geographies of primitive accumulation from farmland to IT parks, this paper indicates the potential for incorporating a sonic method into how urbanizing spaces are approached and understood. By crossing affective and semiotic registers, it argues for a perspective that brings the sensitivities of listening to the analytical practices of the social sciences. Through such interdisciplinarity, soundings become a means to engage with, and elaborate upon, contemporary social-economic and political landscapes. At the same time, the paper stages some possibilities for incorporating geo-economic and political critiques into sound discourses and practices.
A practice based research: On Aesthetic and Political Scenography
(last edited: 2023)
author(s): Scenic Voice
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Dear Reader,
This is a research about aesthetic and political scenography.
This is an attempt to create awareness.
This is a composition of images, sounds, and melodies
through an imaginary and personal lens.
This is a formulation of my artistic system.
This is a mixture of concerns, questions and beliefs.
This is my voice.
This voice could be yours.