Journal of Sonic Studies

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The portal is used to publish contributions for the online OA Journal of Sonic Studies, the storage of A/V materials, and the storage of previous issues.
contact person(s):
Marcel Cobussen 
Vincent Meelberg 
Recent Activities
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author(s): Journal of Sonic Studies
published in: Journal of Sonic Studies
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JSS Book reviews
author(s): Journal of Sonic Studies
published in: Journal of Sonic Studies
JSS Book reviews
Een geluidsbelevingsonderzoek naar de radarpost in Wier
author(s): Marcel Cobussen
published in: Journal of Sonic Studies
Tussen oktober 2023 en juni 2024 hebben Marcel Cobussen (Universiteit Leiden) en Tjeerd Andringa (SoundAppraisal) in opdracht van het Ministerie van Defensie een geluidsbelevingsonderzoek gedaan naar de radarpost in Wier.
Geluid en geluidsbeleving in Vlietland
author(s): Marcel Cobussen
published in: Journal of Sonic Studies
Van september tot en met december 2024 heeft Marcel Cobussen (Universiteit Leiden), gedeeltelijk in samenwerking met enkele collega’s en in opdracht van de Provincie Zuid-Holland een geluids(belevings)onderzoek gedaan naar de actuele en mogelijk toekomstige geluidsomgeving in Vlietland, met nadruk op tracédelen 1 en 2.
author(s): Journal of Sonic Studies
published in: Journal of Sonic Studies
Table of contents JSS issues
Sonic Citizenship: About the Messy and Fragile Negotiations With and Through Sound
author(s): Marie Koldkjær Højlund, Anette Vandsø and Morten Breinbjerg
published in: Journal of Sonic Studies
In this article we propose the concept of "sonic citizenship" as a framework for the multitude of ways in which we, in the rhythms of our everyday lives, form the aural background of each other, and how citizenship is practiced, negotiated, and maintained through everyday sonic activities. With examples of messy, fragile, and difficult interactions with sound from the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, we argue that the effort of tuning the soundscapes of the world needs to be complemented by an attuning approach that focuses on the negotiations we are constantly involved with in our everyday lives. The soundscape approach in the tradition of R. Murray Schafer implies that the soundscape is there as a landscape that we can uncover and tune. Conversely, the attuning approach of sonic citizenship understands soundscapes as relationships and dynamic configurations to which we must continuously attune, and which are themselves reconfigured via breaks in habitual attunements.