Collective teacher efficacy in music education
(last edited: 2024)
author(s): Irma Kort
connected to: KC Research Portal
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Preliminary research in the needs and requirements for implementation of collective teacher efficacy within the context of music education
Sense Exercises / Aistiharjoituksia
(last edited: 2019)
author(s): Ajauksia group
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
The Working Diary of Sense Excercises
Nothing is certain / Kesin birsey yok.
(last edited: 2019)
author(s): Nurtane Karagil
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
"Kesin Birşey Yok - Nothing is Certain" is an experimental art lab, a "drawing" board, a page out of your exercise book, it is a 'room of one's own', a tabula rasa despite the wallpaper and paint.
It is a time and space dedicated to the exhibition of the artist's inhibition of creative process and practice. Whatever will be will be, nothing is certain.