PRESENCE as an actor
author(s): Ann-Sofie Nurmi
published in: Research Catalogue
During my master in Performing Arts at Stockholm University of the Arts, I have been looking into finding a greater presence, in a text based theatre rehearsal and workshop context. I have tried to look at things how they appear in front of me. A dilemma is, that when I afterwards try and look at presence, it has already gone. Therefore, I used different tasks/exercises, that can be recreated in order to try and catch presence again.
When exploring presence in a rehearsal and workshop context, I found a few clues how to find/create presence and doing tasks in order to find/create a greater presence. In this exposition you can find some of these clues. They are all entangled with each other so one will not work without the other so please see them all as a whole. This exposition is a tangible ans embodied complement to my master essay.