Making Histories: Pluriverse Perspectives on Fashion & Textile Design Studies. Contributions from Year One students (AY 2021/22)
author(s): Shanna Soh, Simon Veldkamp, Marijn Brinksma, Renée Buitendijk, Laura Garnier, Kim Gemmink, Carina Georgescu, June Gibbs, Jungyun Jang, Emma Lobina, Riet Pedro, Bas Pol, Hiromu Takeshita, Marie Eve Vedrines, Nora Vervat, Noah Warmer, Zhenyi Zhou
published in: Research Catalogue
This exhibition is co-created by Year One students (2021/22) from the department of Fashion and Textile in The Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK) after attending a series of lectures examining the historical study of Fashion & Textile design from constructivistic perspectives.
This exhibition showcases a spectrum of practice-based research, ranging from imagined narratives from the past; to observations on the global cultural impact of (digital) fashion and music; to attempts in addressing gaps of knowledge and imbalances in the eco-system of fashion & textile in the past, present & future.
In order to preserve the ephemeral nature of students' explorations in art & design education setting and in the spirit of Arturo Escobar's vision on the Pluriverse, students are given the freedom to propose their topic of choice and to deepen their knowledge as independently as possible. Guidance was given only when sought. In line with retaining the integrity of students' works, no interventions were made to student' contributions in this exhibition.
Author / Curator Shanna Soh; Co-creators Riet Pedro, Emma Lobina, Carina Georgescu, Jungyun Jang, Noah Warmer, Renee Buitendlijk, Simon Veldkamp, Hiromu Takeshita, Zhenyi Zhou, Laura Garnier, Marie-Eve Verdrines, Bas Pol, Marijn Brinksma, Kim Gemmink, June Gibbs.
Interrogating the notion of 'frock consciousness' through the practice of dressing and responding to dressed bodies
author(s): Jennifer Anyan
published in: Journal for Artistic Research
Within my practice as an artist that draws upon my professional experience as a fashion stylist, I have undertaken a broad range of practice-based projects in the last thirteen years that deal with the identity and dress. This exposition seeks to use Virginia Woolf’s notion of frock consciousness as a framework to demonstrate how each of the projects has contributed to a body of research that has enabled me to make a contribution to knowledge in terms of how the practice of dressing ourselves impacts upon one’s consciousness and experience of being in the world. Lisa Cohen in her essay "Frock Consciousness”: Virginia Woolf, the Open Secret, and the Language of Fashion (1999) reminds us that, whilst the idea of frock consciousness discussed by Woolf in her diary of 1925 might at first appear to be an oxymoron, one word concerned with coverings and the other a quality of mind, clothes “lie between what we understand to be public space (the social world at large), and what we consider private (the body of an individual)” (150:1999).
Analyse en Reflectie, Cartografie Modeonderwijs
(last edited: 2023)
author(s): Deniz Fehmi Demirezen-Smit
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Mijn gecreëerde cartografie toont het spanningsveld in het modeonderwijs, waarbij ik een voorbeeld uit mijn eigen kunsteducatieve praktijk heb gebruikt als basis. Het spanningsveld dat ik in kaart breng, richt zich op de tegenstelling tussen de harde en zachte benaderingen van het modeonderwijs.