Sustainability in Performing Arts Production
author(s): Johanna Garpe, Camilla Damkjaer, Markus Granqvist, Gunilla Pettersson Thafvelin, Anna Ljungqvist, Anders Larsson, Synne Behrndt, Mihra Lindblom, Anja Susa, Anders Aare, Anders Duus, Jon Refsdal Moe
published in: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
The purpose of this project is to explore how we can minimize the climate impact through the way we plan, produce, and support performing arts productions.
The overarching research question was: How can we continue to create relevant and innovative performing arts with a smaller climate impact?
The faculty in performing arts at Stockholm University of the Arts worked with Harry Martinson's Aniara from their various disciplines.
Smart Stable Project
(last edited: 2021)
author(s): Anastasiia Zolotova
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Scientific publications (Mejdell et al. 2016; Baragli et al., 2015; Gabor and Gerken, 2010; Cooper, 1998) recently demonstrated that horses can be teached to mark and signalize their physical condition.
My prototype is designed that way to help both humans and horses communicate with each other. The target user is a horse, who signalizes her physical state pressing the preinstalled button at the stall. When she presses it, lights implemented inside are switched on, and the signal is being sent to the owner on the mobile app so that he can know that the horse wants a blanket (horse rug) to be put on.
Prerequisites: the horse knows letters and basic interaction with a human in an alternative way, also she knows the meaning of letters and associations which comes with each letter.
Sense of Light
(last edited: 2021)
author(s): Md Hossen Ali
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
This is a mini project as a part of Research by Design and Tangible Interaction instructed by Anders-Petter Andersson (Associate Professor, PhD).
This project has covered the basic of e-textile and the concept, called' playing with sensors & LEDs'
light synthesizer
(last edited: 2021)
author(s): Anders-Petter Andersson
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
E-textile, electronic music, circuit bending sketch created at a workshop with Ann Rosén, Sten Olof Helström and Fredrik Olofsson at Vardagsrummet, with hardware from and