The Lost and Found project: Imagineering Fragmedialities
author(s): Jenny Sunesson
published in: VIS - Nordic Journal for Artistic Research
The Lost and Found project began as an attempt to challenge my own sound making in opposition to a linear, capitalist, narrative tradition, dominated by visual culture.
I wanted to explore the possibilities of sound as a counterpart material risking our perception of what sound is and what it can do.
To reach beyond my own aesthetic and sociocultural baggage, I started to experiment with chance operated live performance as a method.
By multilayering uncategorised sound scraps the work emerged to “produce itself” and I began to catch glimpses of alternative sound worlds and sites.
I called the method fragmenturgy (fragmented dramaturgy) and the alternative realities that were created; fragmedialities (fragmented mediality, fragmented reality).
SPATIAL RHYTHMS Scenographic movements in the intersection of the installation and performing arts.
author(s): Elina Lifländer
published in: Research Catalogue
This artistic research started with the challenges of the contemporary scenography; How to react and participate in the fluctuating performances of today? The immaterial starting point has turned into a rhythmic spatiality, where the rhythm meets visual compositions, movements, sound and other intangible elements of the performative space. After joining to the TAhTO program, my study started to move even more towards interartistic aspects where the performing art meets installation art and the participatory performance meets music and sound art. Among the important aspects today, has proved to be the process of sharing and making the spatial experience and design process more comprehensive and visible through communicative practice.