Hive Five Sound PicNic
author(s): Christina Stadlbauer
published in: Research Catalogue
Microphones installed inside the hive in the frames
Melliferopolis – collaborating with uncontrollable, flying, stinging insects
author(s): Christina Stadlbauer
published in: VIS - Nordic Journal for Artistic Research
This exposition explores encounters between humans and insects, in the framework of a long term project around honeybees in urban contexts called Melliferopolis. The interventions proposed by Melliferopolis create shared spaces of encounters for Bees and Humans. The choice to work with these insects in an urban and participatory setting creates situations that are surprising, unpredictable or challenge concepts of "safety". The exposition aims to develop an understanding for risks that arise when collaborating with non human animals, explores reactions to situations that are not entirely controllable and elaborates on notions of safety, hazard and unpredictability within practice based artistic research. As the territory to investigate these questions we look at interventions, performances and installations produced in public spaces in the city of Helsinki in the framework of Melliferopolis since 2012.