Photography Bound: Rethinking the Future of Photobooks and Self-publishing
author(s): Adria Julia
published in: Research Catalogue
Curated by Antonio Cataldo and Adrià Julià. Organised by Fotogalleriet, Oslo and KMD, University of Bergen. Throughout this three-day event, Adrià Julià's students at the University of Bergen will actively partake and lead discussions
Photo-based books and self-publishing are a vital emancipatory motor of discussion bringing communities across space and time together. The intent of this conference is manifold; firstly it aims to look at the historical structures for production that enable a multiplicity of voices to speak from their subjective positions. Secondly, addressing the current modalities that give contemporary practitioners, designers and publishers advantages and limitations within the field. Thirdly it addresses the future of photo-based publications through grant systems.
To rethink the current moment which is challenging existing structures and demanding systemic change, this seminar represents a desire to rethink the Nordic Photobook Award. Initially, Fotogalleriet ran the award from 2012–18 in order to accompany upcoming voices within the field by co-producing photobooks with chosen candidates.
The seminar's ultimate goal is to evaluate relevant structures of support providing the possibility to continuously provoke theoretical and practical change.
CONFIRMED SPEAKERS: Terje Abusdal, Abdul Halik Azeez, Heidi Bale Amundsen, Delphine Bedel, Bruno Ceschel, Paul Gangloff, Erik Gant, Hans Gremmen, Roberto Figliulo, Cosmo Großbach, Sohrab Hura, Kay Jun, Aglaia Konrad, Moritz Kung, Silja Leifsdottir, Hailey Loman, Catalina Lozano, Vijai Patchineelam, Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, Anna-Kaisa Rastenberger, Mette Sandbye, Ursula Schulz-Dornburg, Ahlam Shibli, Æsa Sigurjónsdóttir, Ina Steiner, Niclas Östlind, Stanley Wolukau-Wanambwa, and Antonio Zúñiga. With a discussion about Nordic funding with Anne Lise Stenseth (moderator), Tom Klev, Henri Terho, Annika Thörn Legzdins, Klara Þórhallsdóttir and Tine Vindfeld.