Rooms of Resonance
author(s): Lars Greve
published in: Rhythmic Music Conservatory, Copenhagen
This is the final exposition for Lars Greves artistic research project "Rooms of Resonance" (2019-21), undertaken at the Rhythmic Conservatory in Copenhagen.
The project seeks to investigate the artistic potentials in Greves acoustic solo improvisations, the concert room's acoustics and selected objects, which are brought into vibration.
Through experiments and procedural concerts, the research has hoisted artistic, technological and methodological experiences which will be unfolded in this exposition.
author(s): Udo Maria Fon
published in: Research Catalogue
The last decades have shown that the human sensory system is hardly able to process not local events without technical support. And with technical support, the amount of collected data worldwide, can not be worked up by a single human brain. So either the human sensory organs are not designed to see what is going on in the world, or the human brain is not designed to process this vast amount of data.
Is there a common denominator of perception and cognition existing? Or is the view of the world always scattered?
In this social cognitive concept, specific scientific phenomenons are scaled to social interactions. And describes the interaction of individual and collective perception as co-creation of specific rooms of perception.