Stolen Voices
(last edited: 2022)
author(s): Rebecca Collins
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Stolen Voices is a multi-component output consisting of four performances, an album, a peer-reviewed journal article and a book publication. The output is a collaboration between Rebecca Collins (University of Edinburgh) and Johanna Linsley (University of Dundee). Stolen Voices forms part of their five-year (2014–2019) project which invests eavesdropping as a method, combining this with a semi-fictional detective story. An ‘event’ has taken place in 4 sites on the UK coast (Bournemouth, Felixstowe, Seaham in County Durham and Aberdeen) and Collins & Linsley have been tasked to investigate. Eavesdropping is both subject and methodology of the research. Fieldwork in the form of site explorations and the practise of eavesdropping is combined with research into social, political and economic dynamics at the borders and margins of the UK, such as immigration and the impact of climate change on coastal landscapes.
WEGE 3 - Zur Wiederverzauberung der Welt
(last edited: 2022)
author(s): Florian Tanzer, Andrea Sodomka, Doris Ingrisch
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Eine perfromative Installation zu Menschen, deren Wege und Erfolge in Zwischenräumen daheim sind.
Wir nähern uns den Menschen und ihrem Denken im Dazwischen mit dem Begriff der Haltung, in einem weiten Verständnis als immer schon gegebene Bezüglichkeit, einer vor jeglicher Bezugnahme vorhandenen potentiellen Bezüglichkeit.
Menschen wie sie in den Fokus eines Projekts zu stellen, Existenzen wie ihren nachzuspüren, und, ebenso nicht-linear wie sie selbst sich zeigen, sich erzählen und agieren, zur Darstellung zu bringen, birgt ein explosives Potential.
(last edited: 2022)
author(s): Doris Ingrisch, Andrea Sodomka, Florian Tanzer
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Gespräche ueber Haltungen, Vorgehensweisen, Lebenswege, kuenstlerische Konzepte... im Dazwischen. Das Interdisziplinaere hinterfragen, mit Menschen deren Wege und Erfolge in Zwischenraeumen daheim sind.
Analysis for 'Derailed'
(last edited: 2021)
author(s): Metehan Köktürk
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Derailed is a collective audio-visual work of KompozitArt Collective, conceptualized on life’s evolutionary course which is transformed to an industrial stage with humanity. Perceiving the existence and evolutionary process of life in a very general perspective is the initial inspiration. It is aimed to question the life process that starts in the water and comes to the land and is systematized itself in the results of its own process with a creative approach.