International Center for Knowledge in the Arts (Denmark)

International Center for Knowledge in the Arts (Denmark)
About this portal
The International Center for Knowledge in the Arts (Center for Kunstnerisk Viden og Udvikling) was founded in October 2019 as a cross-institutional entity by seven Danish institutions of higher arts education and anchored at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen. The center’s goal is to find a common language for artistic development and research across art forms and traditions, as well as to contribute to its critical contextualization, impact and visibility. The participating institutions are: The Royal Danish Academy of Music Rhythmic Music Conservatory The Royal Academy of Music Danish National Academy of Music National Film School of Denmark The Danish National School of Performing Arts The Royal Danish Academy of Arts This center was closed down by the Ministry of Culture Denmark by the end of 2022.

contact person(s): Kristoffer Gansing


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