Ritual Domestiko
(last edited: 2022)
author(s): Rossana P. Mercado Rojas
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Ritual domestiko is an ongoing performative artistic experimentation built with the purpose of curating/curing and be cured by using feminist practices and methodologies of collective work, (self) care and the possibilities of social media. RD proposes the possibility of healing (curator-healer) between pairs by performing daily rituals materialized in the daily publication in social media addressing what happens to us in each of our contexts. RD was born from the long friendship and artistic practice shared by Angélica Chávez-Cáceres and Rossana Mercado-Rojas, a long-standing relationship and in turn look for strategies to continue supporting each other and create/find new languages to curate "heal" each other despite and in response to the current situation of geographical distance.
Poner el cuerpo – Making spaces public
author(s): Rossanaconda
published in: VIS - Nordic Journal for Artistic Research
In this exposition, I expand the notions and practices of collective body-action intervention (dance, performance, happenings, etc.) as a method to strengthen embodied knowledge, an instigation to engage in restorative encounters, and an invitation to intervene and disrupt political biases of (public) spaces. These methodologies propose alternatives for knowledge exchange/production beyond hegemonic, Eurocentric education.
In parallel, I reflect on my own practice and the anti-patriarchal and decolonial feminist political basis of the collectives of which I am part. We work with strategies and methodologies inspired by feminisms from the Global South, such as taking care of others as a practice that puts aside the patriarchal capitalist model of life that mainly separates, individualizes, prioritizes, and promotes competition and exploitation. We promote exchange, cooperation, and interdependence. I reflect on how these encounters summon the festive memory of our territories and the resilience of our* wounds.
Emotions of the bodies and the resistances will trigger our rituals in Abya Yala**, the flows and drifts will make this poetic-affective encounter, as will the skin itself.
*We: Here I refer to collectivity in a broad sense in each case: We as the collectives I am part of, we as women (cis, trans, nonbinary), we as immigrants, we as bipoc, etc
**Abya Yala: Self-determined name for the territories in the global south named "America" as a result of the colonizing process.