Deleted account 55 MJ

independent artist-researcher
research interests: New Materialism, performance, intra-action, non-human/human


Exposition: Stained Black Mirror (01/01/2014) by Vappu Jalonen
Deleted account 55 MJ 10/06/2015 at 12:39

Hi, this work attracted me on many levels and I chose it as an example for presentation in a workshop discussing the possibilities of publishing on RC. For the moment I will just comment on aspects which made intuitve access to your exposition interesting. (Though I might come back and leave some further comment on the interesting idea of using 'writing' as the 'tool' of artistic research. )

First the visual aspects of entering your expositiion: One would think a black screen would not be the most intriguing opening, but in your case it makes one really interested as it immediately refers to your title 'Stained Black Mirror'. Attracted, I scrolled down to your text, which after reading the abstract already had sounded read worthy - and had the pleasant suprise of coming across such nice short and well structured passages, almost reminding to prose. Further it guided me immediately through the theme, and from introducing me to the black mirror of an old tool to nowadays application of 'black mirrors' at the NSA building. The modern (NSA building) mirror example then shows up as a oversized image making nicely use of the possibilities of the platform again.

So this a short exposition, it worked just very well and I enjoyed visiting it.