Blue sky and Wonder, a Landscape without horizon
author(s): Yasmin Kök
published in: Royal Academy of Art, The Hague
Thesis of the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, 2023
BA Fine Arts
Death, ritual, religion, my cultural heritage, I guess I am trying to make sense of it. We share some same questions. We are not sure about the answers we provide. Via condensed nodes, I try to unravel my ‘truth'. As I can predict, this piece of research will make me less sure about myself, and my beliefs. But that is okay. I know these issues will stay uncertain throughout my life. But the topics keep coming back to me daily. Being confronted with many possibilities, and freedom of choice, as far as I believe choices are free, I take a dive.
To see death, the dead, from up close, to see someone disappear, fascinates me and at the same time frightens me. It is a bundle of stories. My own and an analysis of stories of others. I research many aspects of death, around death, that goes hand in hand with us.
Our existence. My spirituality. My body and mind. I and other, mother, father sister, brother. A goalless search without hierarchy or linear approach.