Carmen García-Gil Simancas
research expositions
Hands caring with mortars: soundscape regarding caring activities (nourishment) of Extremadura’s rurality from a gender perspective. Ajoblanco Quartett
(last edited: 2022)
author(s): Carmen García-Gil Simancas
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
This research studies daily experiences of caring activities (nourishment) through sound. The aim is to reclaim their value and place within academic studies and epistemology, as well as to document those customs that are slowly fading away. Specifically, it has been chosen the elaboration of ajoblanco (typical south-Spanish food), as it is traditionally prepared with a wood mortar. This object is also used as a musical instrument in Extremadura’s traditional music, which reveals the curiosity around its sound. Furthermore, this research considers spaces and the way of thinking of them from a sound point of view. In conclusion, rural women’s individuality and subjectivity is studied through different ways of making ajoblanco and its soundcape.
Keywords: soundscape, subjectivity, caring activities, spaces