Alan O'Leary

Denmark (residence), Ireland (citizenship)
research interests: video essays, Videographic criticism, epistemology, film production teaching
affiliation: Aarhus University

Alan O’Leary is Associate Professor of Film and Media in Digital Contexts at Aarhus University, Denmark, and Visiting Researcher in the Centre for World Cinemas and Digital Cultures, University of Leeds, UK. He is co-director of the Cultural Transformations research programme and director of the Filmmaking Research, Academic Film and Videographic Criticism research unit at Aarhus, where he teaches media history and short film production. He has published video essays in [in]Transition and 16:9 and his most recent book is a study of the 1966 postcolonial film classic The Battle of Algiers (Mimesis International, 2019). He has co-organised several international events devoted to videographic criticism and research filmmaking and is co-editing two special journal issues on academic filmmaking and video essay-making. He is working on a videographic book’ on the poetics of videographic criticism and his ‘Workshop of Potential Scholarship: Manifesto for a parametric videographic criticism’ was published in NECSUS in 2021.


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