New Artistic Possibilities with The Max Maestro - An Animated Music Notation System for Non-Professional Performers
(last edited: 2016)
author(s): Anders Lind
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
The Max Maestro – an animated music notation system was developed by the author to enable the exploration of new artistic possibilities for composition and performance practices within the field of contemporary art music. More specifically, to enable groups/crowds of non-professional performers regardless of musical background to perform fixed music compositions written in multiple individual parts. Furthermore, The Max Maestro was developed to facilitate concert hall performances where non-professional performers could be synchronised and perform along with an electronic music part and/or a professional chamber/symphony orchestra. This exposition presents the background, the content and the artistic ideas and possibilities with The Max Maestro System and looks at three live concert hall performances where The Max Maestro was implemented. An artistic research approach with a qualitative methodology was adopted for the study. Empirical data from the three performances were analysed through the lens of the author as a composer. This exposition contributes with new knowledge to the field of animated music notation and how to facilitate performances including non-professional performers in a contemporary art music context.
Towards a novel Mobile Phone Orchestra platform
(last edited: 2020)
author(s): Anders Lind
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
This exposition provide documentation and data from my artistic research regarding my work on mobile phone orchestra as a new performance practice for contemporary art music. How can an easy-accessed Mobile Phone Orchestra (MPO)-platform be developed to facilitate high-end, flexible artistic expressions suitable for concert hall performances?. Moreover, What artistic challenges and possibilities arises with a novel MPO-platform embracing novices as performers?. In my artistic research I explore these questions, which is integrated in the development process of In particular, I highlight the main challenge of developing a performance platform which both is mobile and artistically rewarding, but still easy accessed for novices. is developed as an online platform to enable large-scale concert hall performances of fixed polyphonic contemporary art music. A kind of philharmonic orchestra for electronic sounds, embracing novices as performers, using smart phones as instruments. Through an autoethnographic approach the research is carried out in multiple cycles, inspired by action research. In this exposition I will provide documentation and data from different cycles carried out within the project. All cycles include performances of music involving a MPO. Previous results of the findings show that the platform both is intuitive and easy to use for novices and has potential of providing flexible high-end artistic material and expression for concert hall performances. I specifically highlight the use of mobile music interfaces in combination with animated notation as a novel approach for a MPO-concept.
Pen and Paper Quartet - A telematic performance
author(s): Jonas Howden Sjøvaag, Anders Lind
published in: SAR Conference 2020
A telematic performance of a simulated Pen and Paper Quartet. Delay chains of both audio and video, as well as, three approaches to work with dynamics are used as main parameters in this digitally mediated live music performance. Part of an artistic research project by Anders Lind at Umeå University in Sweden.
Estetiska ämnen C_Ljudutställning_2023
(last edited: 2023)
author(s): Anders Lind
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
En ljudutställning som kompletterande material till C-uppsatser av studenter i kursen Estetiska ämnen C - musikinriktning. Institutionen för Estetiska ämnen vid Umeå universitet. VT 2023.